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你在练瑜伽啊!You are doing yoga.

瑜伽在洛杉矶流行吗?Is yoga popular in LA?

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瑜伽使我们觉得乐活自在。Yoga makes us Feel Alive!

男性也可以练瑜伽。Men can also practice yoga.

我练瑜珈来保持健康。I practice yoga to keep fit.

我要做一个小时的缓慢瑜珈。I’ll do an hour of slow yoga.

每天我练两小时瑜伽功。I do two hours yoga every day.

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但是瑜伽袜子还不完善,上图中的凯拉.瑞德拥有加利福尼亚,奥哈伊的一家出色的收束瑜伽工作室,她在那里授课。Yoga socks are far from perfect.

瑜伽,冥想和拉伸身体Yoga or stretching or meditation.

也许八支瑜伽像酵母…Maybe Ashtanga Yoga is like yeast.

瑜伽和冥想能缓解压力。Yoga or Meditation relives stress.

现在瑜伽功在学校里很流行。Yoga is very popular on campus now.

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你应该去上上瑜珈课。NO10,5. You should try a yoga class.

你练的瑜伽属于何派?What system of yoga do you practice?

瑜珈,咖哩粉是来自印度的词汇。Yoga and curry are words from India.

你也可以利用瑜伽DVD和相关网站。You could also try using a yoga DVD.

瑜珈对你的生活和谐有帮助吗?Does Yoga help you find life balance?

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面部瑜伽,也叫做鬼脸瑜伽,是对抗岁月痕迹的最新武器。Face Yoga , also called Grimace Yoga.

与老熊的瑜珈比比?人真是太复杂了。How effective yoga is as an exercise?

我练瑜伽有一段时间了。I've been doing yoga for a long time.