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威斯康辛和东北大学也很不错。Wisconsin, Northeastern.

卡鲁阿巴西东北部一城市,位于累西腓西部。A city of northeastern Brazil west of Recife.

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东北部沿海地带气候潮湿。The northeastern seaboard has a humid climate.

潘普洛纳是西班牙东北部的小城市。Pamplona is a small city in northeastern Spain.

在西西里岛东北部,你会发现茂密的森林。In northeastern Sicily you'll find lush forests.

他是山东东北部的威海市人。He is from Weihai, a city in northeastern Shandong.

图片中是日本东北部名取郡燃烧中的房屋。Burning houses in Natori City in northeastern Japan.

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阳明山位于台北的东北方郊区。Yangmingshan is in the northeastern suburbs of Taipei.

在内华达州东北部的农村,黄金价值足以令其他事物相形见绌。It is hard to outshine gold in rural northeastern Nevada.

然而,印东北大部分藏族男子都加入这一特种部队。Yet, most Tibetan men in northeastern India join the SFF.

这样好听的名字,在东北菜中少见。Such good names were rarely seen in Northeastern cuisines.

乱葬坑是在刚果东北部一个镇上发现的。It is located in a town of the country's northeastern region.

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榜鹅住于邻近新加坡的东北面。Punggol or Ponggol is a neighbourhood in northeastern Singapore.

在川东北地区演化为碳酸盐蒸发台地。The northeastern Sichuan area is evaporative carbonate platform.

缅甸东北部地区发生余震,不断有房屋倒塌。More houses collapse in after-shocks in Myanmar northeastern part.

阿卡迪亚公园是美国东北部仅有的一个国家公园。Acadia is the only national Park in the northeastern United States.

日本东北部海域11日发生里氏9.0级大地震并引发海啸。Waters off northeastern Japan, 11, 9.0 Richter earthquake and tsunami.

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冬天给中国东北部的辽东湾带来少许麻烦。Winter brings a spot of trouble for northeastern China's Liaodong Bay.

库鲁克塔格地区位于塔里木盆地东北缘。The Kuluktak area is located at the northeastern margin of Tarim Basin.

他们打算走到基恩·沙倍农庄东北角的山地去。They were bound for the hills in the northeastern corner of Quien Sabe.