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他厌倦了他的工作。He's cheesed off with his job.

该死!我的飞机快成筛子了!Damn! My plane's been Swiss- cheesed !

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今天他一定被什么事惹恼了。He sure is cheesed off about something today.

搭配烤牛肉、羊肉和柔和奶酪十分美味。Enjoy with grilled beef, lamb or soft cheesed.

这样无休止地等候公共汽车实在使我烦恼。I'm cheesed off with this endless waiting for buses.

每个星期都得刈草坪真把我烦死了。I'm cheesed off with having to mow the lawn every week.

蒂姆怒气冲冲的。今天他一定被什么事惹恼了。Tim is mad. He sure is cheesed off about something today.

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每隔三天就得割草坪真把我烦死了。I'm cheesed off with having to mow the lawn every three days.

对工作产生厌烦情绪,怎么样才能解决?Generate cheesed sentiment to the job, how can be ability solved?

如果你们令消费者感到厌烦,那么就将无法拥有他们当中的任何人。If you make, consumer feels cheesed , will not have the one among them so.

不过当他们拥有更熟练的性爱技巧,对伴侣的感受更了解时,都会提高他们的性能力。Feel cheesed to the spouse, often be did not know the other side well, or bring about not greatly with affection.

我有些烦,然后这个人跑来了,抓住一张又一张,但没法抓住所有报纸。I was a bit cheesed off at them blowin' all over me and then this man comes runnin'. He grabbed and grabbed but couldn't catch them all.

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这样在今后成年累月的平凡生活中,空间才不至让人厌烦、使人感觉过于平淡。Such is in henceforth year in year out in ordinary life, the space just does not come make a person cheesed , make the person feels too insipid.

事实上,一开始对这些新媒体颇感兴趣的人们,正在因为其太过“先进”的盯人策略而备感厌烦。In fact, the people that is interested in these new media quite at the beginning, because, be in its too over- " advanced " stare at person strategy and feel cheesed fully.

橘红色多者,虽然是布满生气勃勃,很有暖和的感觉,但是过多的橘色,也会使人心生厌烦的感觉。Tangerine is much person, although be to be full of spirited, have warm feeling very much, but overmuch orange, also can make popular feeling gives birth to cheesed feeling.

假如一个人天天都在吃同一种饭,不出一个月,这个人肯定会对这个饭产生排斥、厌烦感。False consistent individual is eating everyday same kind of meal, do not give a month, this person can is opposite for certain repulsion of this meal generation, cheesed feeling.

备考时间不能长,最好一个月,因为每天都看同一本书和同些知识点对任何人来说都是不容易的,时间长了会产生厌烦感。For reference time cannot grow, best a month, because look everyday same this book and be the same as some of knowledge to nod is not easy to anybody, time grew to be able to produce cheesed move.