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非线性和整体性是生物的两个基本特征。The nonlinearity and globality are two basic characters in biology.

21世纪,经济全球化已成为不可逆转的发展趋势。In the 21th century, economy globality has been a development tendency.

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以期对语言得体性问题做一个整体性的阐释。Expect to do a piece of explanation of globality to the proper language.

全球性问题是具有全局性、战略性的重大问题。The issues of globality are the ones with overall and strategic importance.

环境问题已成为现实的全球性问题之一。The environmental matter has become one of the realistic matters of globality.

整体性好,强度高,耐磨、抗剥落等优点。It has advantages of good globality , high strength, wear resisting and anti-peel off.

全球性帮助解释了为什么会出现这种模糊国家界限的无休止的跨国合并浪潮。Globality helps to explain the ceaseless wave of big mergers blurring national identities.

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全球化和信息化是当今世界经济发展的两个显著特点。Globality and information are two remarkable characteristics of current world economy development.

传统型的家庭形成了整体性、权威性、继承性的家庭道德。The traditional family has formed the family morals of globality , authoritativeness and succession.

它是岩溶地下水系统保持其整体性以及具有一定功能的内在根据。It is that karst groundwater system keeps whose globality and has definitely functional inherent basis.

那末,什么是全球性呢?它是24小时的相互联系的、极度活跃的、失去睡眠的、以电子邮件为燃料的世界。So, what is globality? It is the 24-hour interconnected, hyperactive, sleep-deprived, e-mail-fueled world.

它是一系列的制度形式和进程——资本主义、产业主义、民族主义和全球性。It is a cluster of institutional forms and processes-capitalism, industrialism, nationalism, and globality.

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明治维新以来,日本相继使中国酱油文化实现了日本化、现代化、全球化。Japan made the culture of Chinese soy sauce realize Japanization , modernization and globality step by step since Mingzhi Reform.

徕卡测量系统有限公司是瑞士一家全球性的定位与测量系统的先驱。Leica Geosystems AG, it's located Switzerland. Leica Geosystems to pioneer globality positioning and laser precision in Metrology.

伴随着全球性生态危机,不可避免地将对以主体性哲学为基础的实践美学观提出质疑。To be based on subjective philosophy the practice aesthetic is oppugned inevitably, when globality entironment have been jeopardizing.

而目前学术界在研究这一问题上的缺陷就是把生产和消费的世界性同分配的世界性隔裂开来。But so far the academic circles have failed to integrate the globality of production and consumption with the globality of distribution.

终身教育既是经济全球化、教育全球化的必然产物,又反过来推动经济全球化和教育全球化的发展进程。Lifelong education is the result of economy globality and education globality, and it also impels the development of economy and education globality.

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伴随着中国加入WTO及经济全球化的挑战,中国制造业面临着更加激烈的国际、国内市场竞争。Accompany the challenge of joining WTO and economic globality , China manufacturing industry face more vigorous international, domestic market competition.

吸取全球国际金融危机的经验教训,能够有不同的视角,更要注意其全球性和关联性。We could draw lessons from the global international financial crisis in many perspectives. However, we should pay attention to its globality and cognation.

20世纪崛起的整体研究视它为有内在整一性的一部小说,但各家对整一内核说词不一。The holistic study, which rose in the 20th century, regards it as a novel of intrinsic globality, but there is no consensus in terms of the core of globality.