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伊丽莎白不做声了,可是她心里依旧不敢赞同。Elizabeth said no more -- but her mind could not acquiesce.

伊丽莎白不做声了,可是她心里依旧不敢赞同。Elizabeth said no more -- but her mind could not acquiesce.

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他不会纵容那些支持他的自由派,也不会斥责那些不支持他的保守派。He cannot acquiesce to the liberals who support him nor vilify the conservatives who don't.

他不让侍臣随行,一个人骑上马动身了。Refapplication to acquiesce any of his courtiers to follow him, he army his horse and rode abroad.

你必须得到一个群体对于惯例改变,所做出的默认。You needed the community that makes use of linguistic conventions to acquiesce in a change of use.

我的母亲被从水面上劫持下来照顾我,但是你永远不会默许那种需求。My mother was abducted from the surface in order to love me, but you never acquiesce to demands like that.

客户不能在团队其他人叫他离开叫他不要制造麻烦时勉强同意。And the customer can't acquiesce when other people on the team tell him to go away and stop making trouble.

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康德认为,简单地默许于怀疑论,永远无法平息内心渴望理性思考之不安“Simply to acquiesce in skepticism," Kant wrote, "can never suffice to overcome the restlessness of reason."

曾经对通缩经济体起到平衡作用的法国,现在似乎认为它别无选择,只得默许。France, once a counterweight to the economics of deflation, seems now to think it has no option but to acquiesce.

随著冲突接踵而来,市长警告他的弟弟,著他应该让自己服从大部份人的想法。As the conflict ensues , the Mayor warns his brother that he should "acquiesce in subordinating himself to the community".

此前,瑞星云安全系统默认会把此类网址加入黑名单中进行拦截。Before this, safe system acquiesce meets lucky nebula join this kind of network address intercept undertakes in blacklist.

与莫卡德不同,我们将永远也不会默许将中国的哲学归结为“思想”而非真正哲学的论断。Unlike Mllgaard, we will never acquiesce in the condescending claim that China has only "thought" rather than real philosophy.

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不过,如果是以一种贸易刺激或合作的形式,美国公众可能会默许对华气候援助。The American public might acquiesce to climate aid to China if it were sold as a kind of trade stimulus or partnership, however.

防火墙作过手脚,在系统防火墙可看到默认未开启答应通过的项目都被勾选。Firewall has made motion, acquiesce can see in systematic firewall not the project that open allows to pass is ticked off to choose.

已方同意不使用或不默许使用可能与本协议商标相类似混淆的商标。Party B agrees that it will not use or acquiesce in the use of any trademarks, which are likely to be confusingly similar to the Trademarks.

北京方面对这一事件表示强烈不快,即便当局似乎默许陈光诚从美国使馆前往北京朝阳医院就医。Beijing expressed intense displeasure over the incident even as it appeared to acquiesce in Mr Chen's transfer to Chaoyang hospital in the capital.

第二天上午,他又经过了那个灯塔山,这次车上装了五个纸板盒子,一个叠着一个堆在车上。The next morning, he was going over the hill again, with five cardboard boxes piled up one above the other in his cart, thinking, Because we acquiesce.

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西方官员同时也期望中国默许对伊朗的新一轮制裁,敦促其早日放弃核武器计划。Western officials also remain hopeful that China will acquiesce toanother round of sanctions on Iran in order to persuade it to give upits nuclear ambitions.

可是在改变的同时,也让财会职位遇到了严峻的挑战,而这一次都来源于新型信息电子商务的出现。But the change will aswell acquiesce accounting jobs encountered a austere claiming , and this time are acquired from the actualization of new advice commerce.

我们不能默认俄罗斯把她“临近周围”的国家视为她的卫星城,我们在去年俄罗斯入侵格鲁吉亚的事情上做得很正确。We should not acquiesce in Russia treating the countries of her "near abroad" as satellites and we acted correctly in protesting last year's invasion of Georgia.