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我没有意识到已经伤害了他。I was unware that i had hurt him.

我没有意识到我已经伤害他了。I was unware that i had hurt him.

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她父母亲一如既往,对别人的批评不屑一顾。Her parents stood undiminished and unware of criticism.

为了你,在中,我不知道的时候,它深入我的骨髓。Love for you, jeajoong, it go deep into my heart when I was unware.

你认为现在写一封书信有多重要?I think letter is very important, though most of us are unware of this.

如果你不告诉我,我就是现在对事实真相也一无所知。If you had not told me about it, I should still be unware of the facts.

他久久地激情地吻着她,全然不觉过往的行人。He kissed her long and passionately, totally unware of the people passing by.

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习以为常容易使人忽视一些常见错误。People are unware of the common mistakes once they are too accustomed to them.

多傻啊!我发现有着一个没有意识到又无法改变的观念是多么的可怕!How silly was that! Having an unware and unchangeable thought is pretty horrible!

不用说,这个决定是高度保密的,高层管理者还没有意识我的意图。Needless to say, this decision is highly confidential, and the senior management is unware of my intention.

女孩由于不懂白喉之可怕,不愿被医生发现自己的病情而抗拒医生的检查。Unware of the harm of diphtheria, the little girl was unwilling to be discovered so that declined to be examined by the doctor.

我们对孩子的死讯感到震惊,痛苦地、默默地肃立在一旁,而夫妻俩相拥而泣似乎经过了漫长的时间,完全没有注意到旁边站着的人们。For what seemed an eternity the two held each other and cried, unware of the rest of us standing around in pained, stunned silence.

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大师高水平的展示让许多游客都忘却了这个男人所处的年代,错把他当成了古代遗产呢。This high-level display by the grandmaster lost on many of the tourists unware of the lineage of this man with an ancient heritage.

他和助手们意识到泰坦尼克号在劫难逃了,但是乘客和其他船员们却大多还不知道身临绝境。He and his officers realized that the Titanic was doomed, but the passengers and remainder of the crew were mostly unware of the serious situation.

这个关键的秘密可能至今没有被国人领会,包括那些为了“露出牙齿”辛勤工作的教练和老师。This is uncovered teaching for "teeth"until now we Chinese are unware enough today including those who had been working hard for coach of"teeth"practice.

因此,由于人们脚下的岩石是延展着的,除非人类在周围闻到了甲烷这种特别的气味,他们才会知道有这种气体释放出来的。Thus, unless humans are around to smell the distinctive sent of methane gas, they would be unware of the release of this gas due to stretched rock beneath their feet.