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是的,不仅仅是核桃仁哦。Yeah, not a walnut.

这个箱子是胡桃木做的。This box is made of walnut.

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这张桌子是胡桃木做的。This table is made of walnut.

我做了君之的宫廷核桃酥。I made Junzhi's walnut cookies.

最后加入胡桃和葡萄干。Lastly add in Walnut and Raisin.

冠上用烤核桃调味汁。Topped with roasted Walnut Sauce.

核桃是当地的土特产。Walnut is a local specialty here.

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一个小核桃里有自然大美。A walnut is a boundless landscape.

门框同样为深色的胡桃木。Doorcase is brunet Walnut likewise.

我们在核桃园互道晚安。We said goodnight in Walnut Garden.

加些水盖过核桃仁。Add some water over the walnut meat.

我们在核桃树下捡核桃。We go nutting under the walnut tree.

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包括橡木,胡桃木和樱桃木。These include oak, walnut and cherry.

乌发又补肾,粥加核桃仁。UFA has kidney, plus walnut porridge.

我们能够供应核桃仁现货。We can supply walnut meat from stock.

而核桃正是所有坚果中的王者。But king among them all is the walnut.

最近胡桃肉需求很大。Walnut meat is in high demand these days.

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盘玩在百年左右的核桃。Set to play in the hundred years of walnut.

褐色的甲板陈设是胡桃木的。Deck furnishing in brown are made of walnut.

做蛋糕时可用胡桃肉。The meat of the walnut can be used in cakes.