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那只昆虫抖动它的触角。The insect quivered its antennae.

润滑天线转动的部分。Lubricate moving parts of antennae.

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他们的触须和外壳帮助他们探测和保护自身安全。Their antennae and shells help them to detect and protect.

蚂蚁用他们的触角给他们的牧群“挤奶”。The ants milk their herds by stroking them with their antennae.

那只动物问道,兴奋地翘了翘他的那对触须。"Abe, is that you?" the creature asked, his antennae perking up.

头顶的角状触须,是味觉、触觉、听觉与嗅觉的传感器。Hornlike antennae serve as taste, touch, hearing, and smell sensors.

工蜂的头上有两根满载3000个感觉器官的触须。A worker bee's head has two antennae loaded with 3, 000 sensory organs.

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然而近来,这种天线已经证明自己远不仅是简单的酷而已。Of late, however, such antennae have proved much more than simply cool.

这些昆虫的头部,界限分明,长有复眼和触须。These insects have a well-defined head with compound eyes and antennae.

你应该要去培养你的眼光的敏锐性,这样你就能够嗅出新机遇来。You need to develop antennae that can listen out for new opportunities.

Hox基因直接规定了腿、翅膀、触角和躯干各节的生长位置。Hox genes direct where legs, wings, antennae and body segments shouldgrow.

张翎就是用她敏感的触角触摸女性的疼痛和历史的疼痛。Zhang Ling with her sensitive antennae touches the history of women's pain.

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双眼和触须勉强显露绿叶昆虫的头部。Eyes and antennae barely reveal the head of the leaf insect Phyllium giganteum.

除锥形感器外,所有的感器都分布在触角鞭节的网纹区上。All sensilla, except sensilla basiconica, occur on the reticulated area of the antennae.

汉·索洛声称他亲眼见过阿梅扎在600码外射断一只蝍蚁的触须。Han Solo remarked how he once witnessed her shoot the antennae off a ji-ant at 600 yards.

除此以外,他们也小心地等待着来自妈妈或爸爸的反对或含沙射影的评论。In addition, they kept their antennae up for objections or snide comments from Mom or Dad.

这意味着尽可能地活出多姿多彩的充实人生,以保持我的灵感天线始终在线。This means living as full and varied a life as possible, to have my antennae out all the time.

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两个黑色的大水泡眼长在头的两边,吻喙尖端生着两根类似蛞蝓一样的触角,说话的时候会闪闪发光。At the tip of the snout were two sensor antennae like glistening slugs that glowed whenever he spoke.

所有蚂蚁的主要交流方式是借助它们的触须来“闻”环境中不同的化学信息。All ants communicate largely by "smelling" different chemicals in the environment with their antennae.

植食性昆虫的寄主标记信息素只产在寄主表面,用触角或产卵器检测。Insects use chemoreceptors on ovipositors, mouthparts, antennae or tarsi to detect marking pheromones.