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名气是一个大笑话。Fame is a big joke.

因为江心屿的名气很大。Because of its fame.

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记住我的名字名扬四海。Remember my name Fame.

或是横笛小小的声名。Or a fife's small fame.

但是,它是一个可共享的名声。But, it's a sharable fame.

这是一个与名气有关的故事。This is a story about fame.

名利的代价何其大。What price fame and fortune?

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她将名垂千古。Her fame will endure for ever.

凤姐是个名声不好的女人。Fengjie is a woman of ill fame.

播种美德者,收获名声。He that sows virtue reaps fame.

我不追求名利。I don't go after fame or money.

你还见过你的旧情人吗?Have you ever seen your old fame?

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他把他获得的名望归因于好运。He owed his fame to good fortune.

我们既不求名,又不图利。We seek neither fame nor fortune.

名誉和运气诱惑着他们。Fame and fortune beckoned to them.

她名扬四海应归功于他的支持。Her worldwide fame is his support.

我想在生活中名利双收。I want fame and riches in my life.

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威名天下扬。One's fame has spread far and wide.

接踵而至就是滚滚而来的财富。Wealth often comes along with fame.

但是,各种名望都是短暂的。But all kinds of fame are ephemeral.