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接着我们就做了听写。Then we had a dictation.

口授使我喉咙发痛。Dictation makes my throat sore.

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我照他的口述写信。I wrote the letter at his dictation.

我要口述一封信给巴托洛梅奥。I wrote the letter at his dictation.

接着,她自己又完成了听写。Then she had a dictation by herself.

支持语音输入和声音命令。Supports dictation and voice commands.

教师让学生听写。The teacher gave the pupils dictation.

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我能听写记录正常速度的口授。I can take dictation at ordinary speed.

老师给我们作了一次法语听写。The teacher gave us a French dictation.

我照我老板的口述写了这封信。I wrote the letter at my boss' dictation.

出关后要能读说默写出3000个单词。After the exit to read 3000 words dictation.

今天晚上,她和我一块听写了那些内容。And she had a dictation with me this evening.

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请选择班别及浏览有关默书范围记录。Please select CLASS and browse Dictation Scope Records.

我能用英语笔录每分钟100个单词。I can take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.

今天早上起来听写完一段英语就出门了。This morning I went out after an English dictation exercise.

练习听写的一个快速的方法就是来练习视唱。A quick way to practice dictation is to practice sight singing.

最后,我们听写了她今天晚上复习的内容。At last, we had a dictation for what she reviewed this evening.

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但是语音听写只是其中的一半内容——不,只是其中的1/10而已。But dictation is only half the story — no, one-tenth of the story.

我能记录法语口授,同时能迅速将其译成中文。I am able to take dictation in Fance and translate rapidly into Chinese.

我会英文的口授条记,同时能立即将其翻译成中文。I am able to take dictation in English and translate it rapidly into Chinese.