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该死的伊云飞,你害死我了!Yi cloud of damning flies, you harmed to die me!

我们找到一些牵连他们两人罪证确凿的证据。We found some damning evidence that implicated both of them.

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该案罪证凿凿,结果不容置疑。On such damning evidence the outcome of the case is beyond doubt.

他对路德•古利特如此糟糕的评价是由于球队表现确实差强人意。His damning assessment of Ruud Gullit followed a poor run of form.

缺乏实验证明也许是弦理论最致命之处。However, it is that absence of proof that is perhaps most damning.

我们的城市中的贫民苦况是现代社会的一大败象。The poverty in our cities is a damning indictment of modern society.

但现在数十封咒骂托克公司的内部邮件曝光了。But dozens of damning internal Trafigura emails have now come to light.

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南非还有一项糟糕的统计,表明它还有着令人毛骨悚然的高谋杀率。Another damning statistic for South Africa is its appallingly high murder rate.

她想要痛打这个男的或是诅咒这个小孩,去纠正这个不义行为。It will be righted.She wants to right it by clobbering the guy or damning the baby.

她想要痛打这个男的或是诅咒这个小孩,去纠正这个不义行为。It will be righted. She wants to right it by clobbering the guy or damning the baby.

兹洛宾说,其也可能采取一些极端的方式来破口大骂俄国政治精英。Zlobin says it would also take something extremely damning to rattle Russia's political elite.

然而,尽管足以证明问题的信息一点点显露,新闻集团依然没有公开承担责任。Yet even as damning information dribbled out, the company failed to publicly take responsibility for it.

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晨星公司这一研究结果,谴责了个体投资者的市场时机选择能力The Morningstar study is incredibly damning in terms of the market timing abilities of individual investors.

目前有大量证据能够表明学券的实际效果——基本上是毁灭性的。At this point there's a lot of evidence on how well school vouchers actually work, and it's basically damning.

书架上则摆满了赞颂这位中国已故领袖,诅咒资本主义,以及攻击全球化的著作。Works extolling the late Chinese leader, damning capitalism and attacking globalisation are laid out on shelves.

就是有钱人,平日去参拜大都只贡献“五日元”,到了新年参拜的时候,则会大加施舍。Is wealthy, ferial visited mostly only five yen contribution "to the New Year, " when will visits damning handouts.

萨维尔法官的报告描绘英国伞兵在伦敦德里街道上实施的足以定罪的行为。Lord Saville's report paints a damning picture of the actions of British paratroopers on the streets of Londonderry.

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昨天,英国政府将矛头指向该公司,出人意料地对其行为发出一份证据确凿的评估。Yesterday the British government turned on the company, issuing an unexpectedly damning assessment of its behaviour.

据报道,面对性骚扰指控,迈克尔·杰克逊聘用佩里加诺,后者自称发现了原告家庭的可怕信息。Facing molestation charges, Michael Jackson reportedly used Pellicano, who claims he found damning info about the accuser's family.

一位知情观察家认为,继续泄漏电函,远远超过一长串咒骂对其公共关系闪失的分析的一部分来的好。One informed observer finds this part of the leaked cable's analysis far more damning than its litany of public relations slip-ups.