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这不能让人接受。This is not acceptable.

什么是可以吃的What's acceptable to eat?

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没有B级是可以接受的。Nothing b-grade is acceptable.

你是一位优良老师。You are a acceptable abecedary.

中文便条是可以接受的。A note in Chinese is acceptable.

联运提单、迟期提单、简式提单不能接受。Lading, shall not be acceptable.

在2010年这会有所改观吗?Definitely. Acceptable in the year 2010?

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但是对于液体来说,是不可接受的。It may not be acceptable for the liquid.

总的说来,提摩西的建议更可取。Timothy 's suggestion is more acceptable.

如购买防滑垫,可接受价格是?What is the acceptable price for the mat?

组内的依从性是否可接受?H. Was adherence acceptable in all groups?

修毛只允许在足部。Scissoring is acceptable ONLY on the feet.

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邮政信箱是不接受的。A post office box number is not acceptable.

保持废品率在一个合理的水平。Maintain scrap rate at an acceptable level.

欢迎使用本表格之影印本。Photocopy of this Entry Form is acceptable.

因此,该组织对中国的无端指责是不可接受的。Relevant accusation is thus not acceptable.

在A表面上冷焊是不可以接受的。Cold shut is not acceptable on "A" surfaces.

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那么,可接受的流动比率值是多少呢?What is an acceptable acid-test ratio value?

主动提出的劝告通常是不受欢迎的。Unasked advice is not, as a rule, acceptable.

它是社会认可的可食用的东西It's a socially acceptable thing to be eating.