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一阵一阵的绞痛,我认为。A colicky pain, I think.

您是连续感到疼痛的那种痛,还是感到一阵一阵的绞痛那种痛呢?Is it an aching type pain or is it a colicky pain?

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没日没夜的照顾小闹腾非常的辛苦。Consoling a colicky baby night after night is terribly hard.

肠引起的疼痛通常是由于肠疝气。Pain from the bowel is often described as colicky in nature.

急性肠梗阻的病人出现腹部绞痛和呕吐。In acute bowel obstruction, patients have colicky abdominal pain with vomiting.

早期识别食物过敏则要认真看待胀气的婴儿和慢性腹泻。Identify food allergies early by taking colicky babies and chronic, loose stools seriously.

向有经验的妈妈学习如何处理婴儿腹胀,如何做这次怀孕的总指挥。Learning from others who have survived can help with a new colicky baby. Take control of this pregnancy.

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他又查找了一番,这次他以为可以找出肚子疼的理由,并且满心希望地让疼痛发作。This time he thought he could detect colicky symptoms, and he began to encourage them with considerable hope.

整天自己一个人在家照顾啼哭不止的宝宝,难怪她根本不想听我说我在单位有多忙。It's no wonder she didn't want to hear about my hard day at work when she'd been home alone with a colicky baby.

多数病例的临床特征包括发热、头痛、腹泻或绞痛性腹部疼痛以及呕吐。The clinical features in the majority of cases include fever, headache, diarrhoea or colicky abdominal pain, and vomiting.

一般说来,疝痛婴儿饮食、体重增加良好,但强烈的与饮食无关的吮吸可能表明婴儿过度饥饿。Typically, the colicky infant eats and gains weight well, although vigorous non-nutritive sucking may suggest excessive hunger.

详尽的体格检查一般不会发现什么异常情况,但它可以安慰病人,使他相信医生理解疝痛婴儿对家长所构成的压力。A thorough physical examination typically detects no abnormalities but reassures parents that the doctor understands how stressful a colicky infant can be for parents.

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背巾对于那些有“特殊需要”的宝宝们特别有用,他们在背巾里会很高兴,但是对于平和安静的宝贝们来说,他们也能在背巾中体味到温暖和安全。Baby-wearing is particularly useful for colicky or "high needs" babies who are far happier being worn, but even the placid, content child will benefit from the warmth and security of being held close.