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他悔恨交加。He was racked by remorse.

我后悔莫及。I was overcome with remorse.

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有一天他会悔恨的。He suffered agonies of remorse.

他为自己的?行感到悔恨。He felt remorse for his evil deed.

他对他所做的事感到悔恨。He felt remorse for what he has done.

他们感到悔恨,希望推翻重来。They feel a sense of remorse over it.

干了这一杯,不说这些丧气话了。Drink up and quit all this remorse talk.

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你有没有感到悔恨赌博后?Have you ever felt remorse after gambling?

时,他只是摇头懊悔自己的行为。He just shook his head in guilt or remorse.

但现实生活中的康维不会表现出这种懊悔。The real-life Conway shows no such remorse.

无怨无悔地牵动着心儿的人啊。One that pulls at the heart without remorse.

杨墨青也深深地自责没有带好平子。Yang ink green not take hirako deeply remorse.

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我的心中充满了悲伤与懊悔。I am filled with tremendous sadness and remorse.

他站起来向王夏虹鞠躬表示自责。He stood up and bowed to Wang in a show of remorse.

他打过孩子后感到悔恨不已。He was filled with remorse after hitting the child.

拼一年春夏秋冬,搏一生无怨无悔!Exert oneself a whole life, feeling no remorse at all.

小邱因虚度光阴而懊悔。Xiao Qiu was filled with remorse over the wasted time.

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孟妮为自己对父亲的忽视自责内疚。Meng Ni remorse guilt to ignore his father for himself.

上个礼拜我收到的那张是‘你没有自责过吗?’And last week I got one that said, 'Have you no remorse?

他告诉自己没有必要后悔或良心不安。There was no need for remorse or regret, he told himself.