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你没有责任赔偿损失。You hold no liability of damages.

您保了事故责任险的。You have accident liability coverage.

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违约责任。the liability for breach of contract.

他不用承担任何责任。There's no liability attaching to him.

我们拒绝对这些内容负任何责任。We disclaim all liability for these matters.

第五章救助措施与法律责任Chapter V Succour Measures and Legal Liability

第三章论述国家赔偿责任。Chapter three discusses the liability of state.

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烟台市林盛木业有限责任公司。Yantai Linsheng Wood limited liability company.

第四章,无船承运人的责任。Chapter 4 is about the legal liability of NVOCC.

福安市马头造船有限责任公司。Ma Fu'an shipbuilding limited liability company.

湖南永鑫铁合金有限责任公司。Hunan Ferroalloy Yosino limited liability company.

民事行为能力三分法缺乏实用性。Trichotomy of civil liability lacks applicability.

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风险转移与货物的瑕疵担保责任。With the liability for warrant of defects of goods.

好几部联邦法律部对石油泄漏的责任做了规定。Several federal laws impose liability for oil spills.

她的资产总额仅为640英镑,而她的负债总额为24,000英镑。Her assets are only 640 as against liability of 24000.

我们的保修单上清晰地说明了我们的责任范围。Our warranty clearly states the limits of our liability.

在特殊情况下,责任可予以减缩。In extraordinary cases, liability may instead be reduced.

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仲裁员法律责任制度具有深厚的理论基础。The arbitrator legal liability system has deep rationale.

我们免除所有责任都在你们工地材料。We disclaim all liability for all materials on your site.

第一章是心理健康侵权责任概述。Chapter one is summary of tort liability of mental health.