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某些特征依然存在。Some features were abiding.

哀愁却是坚强而耐久。But sorrow is strong and abiding.

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幸福是更深刻、更持久的情感。It is a deeper, more abiding emotion.

对劳伦的爱让他坚持。His abiding love for Laurene sustained him.

有人预先埋伏在内室里。And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber.

有夺人心魄的寂静铃声完美地永存。There was a rapturous ring of silence abiding perfectly.

世上惟有爱是恒久不变、永不止息的。Love, only love, in the welkin, is abiding and withstanding.

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难怪纽约客对金刚有持久的钟爱。No wonder New Yorkers have such an abiding fondness for Kong.

上乘的质量,良好的信誉,信守合同是我们的宗旨。Our motto is superior quality, good credit and abiding contract.

我信任新包装定会使您的客户满足。I'm abiding the new packing will accord your audience achievement.

你相信我能做到这件事——保守你在我的爱中?Believest Thou that I can do this, to keep thee abiding in My love?

上帝的爱远超过这些,是严肃、认真、恒久常存的。The LORD's love is a far more serious and abiding matter than this.

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但是,即使波默罗伊不希望人们盲目地遵守他的收视率。But even Pomeroy doesn't want people blindly abiding by his ratings.

我只是知道我现在处于一个深沉且永恒的激情中。I just knew that I was in the presence of a deep and abiding passion.

如果说他有什么经常性的癖好的话,那就是他老想惹人吃惊。If he had one abiding trait, it was his desire of astonishing people.

人民应该相信,我们是站在维护法律和遵纪守法的人民这一边的。People should be on no doubt that we are on the side of the law abiding.

没有其他事比在交通里连于神更蒙福。There is no blessedness greater than that of abiding communion with God.

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在这件事上"OK丘比特"有不变的信仰,这就是数学。To the extent that OK Cupid has any abiding faith, it is in mathematics.

斐方今后将继续恪守上述原则。Fiji will continue abiding by the abovementioned principles in the future.

我们虽然年纪老迈,体力衰败,但自有永有的上帝,却一如往昔。When we grow old our God will still be the I AM, abiding evermore the same.