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热天气是无法忍受的。The heat is unbearable.

无法承受的重担!Unbearable responsibility!

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电梯和楼梯是我的禁区。Lifts and stairs are unbearable.

压力几乎有点难以承受。and the pressure is almost a little unbearable.

空巢孤独感几乎是令人无法忍受的。The nest's empty loneliness is almost unbearable.

因此他遭受了很多不堪忍受的歧视。Thus he underwent much unbearable discrimination.

虽是傍晚,哨位上依旧闷热不堪。The evening in South Sudan was hot and unbearable.

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生活只能让我在此间疲倦不堪。The life can be let I am here is weary unbearable.

外星人之说,我向来不信,荒谬不堪。Alien says, I never believe, absurd and unbearable.

我宁愿生活没有这些难以忍受的紧张。I would rather live without these unbearable tensions.

可秦岚却忍不住重重的皱起了眉。Can Qin Lan but unbearable heavily wrinkled up eyebrow.

唯一无法忍受的是事事皆可忍受。The only unbearable thing is that nothing is unbearable.

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唯一不可忍受之事,就是事事皆可忍受。The only unbearable thing is that nothing is unbearable.

司书不堪受辱,就跳井了。Take charge of a book unbearable humiliate, jump into well.

到了星期三她的热度发到了103华氏度,腿疼得难以忍受。By Wednesday her fever was 103 and the leg pain was unbearable.

人们的审美疲劳也已经到了无法忍受的境地。People's aesthetic fatigue has reached an unbearable situation.

“够了!”子轩朔易终于是忍无可忍。"Is ample! "The son Xuan Shuo is easily and finally unbearable.

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这是一件如此动人的事情,但是挥之不去的负疚感几乎让我受不了。This is such a touching thing but the guilt is almost unbearable.

可是如今所剩下的只有模糊不堪的记忆和我淡然的微笑。But now leave of only misty and unbearable memory with my cool smile.

当这些霸凌变得令人无法忍受后,迫使荷莉换学校。Holly was forced to move schools after the bullying became unbearable.