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这场危机也制造了一些离奇的数据.The crisis was also throwing out some surreal numbers.

电影套,贺岁片图形和更多!Create Posters, Movie Covers, Surreal Graphics and More!

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死亡谷的梦幻般景色令人震惊。The beauty of the place shocks with its surreal scenery.

甚至除去那华丽的背景,跳伞都是超现实主义的。Even without the gorgeous backdrop, skydiving is surreal.

海啸用车辆开了一个超现实风格的玩笑。The tsunami transformed cars into a kind of surreal jest.

尽情感受一下这些超现实插画吧!Feel the pleasure from viewing these surreal illustrations!

你会留意到,有些是超现实的,而另一些则十分搞笑。You’ll notice some are surreal while others are quite funny.

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这一切终究由于始终存在的摄影机而看起来非常做作。It all seemed so surreal because of the ever-present cameras.

在现实中演绎这一情景,这对她来说还真有点儿超现实。So it was quite surreal for her to be in a real-life situation.

超现实的图像创建一个以上的水和岩石奶油雾雾。Surreal Images Create a creamy foggy mist over water and rocks.

冬季的时候,棕榈树与纷飞的雪奏响一曲超现实的交响乐。Winter finds palm trees dusted with snow in a surreal symphony.

看到闪电在远处划破长空。The surreal beauty of watching lightning strike in the distance.

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色调的更换将给予照片一种神秘超写实的视感。The color change will give the photo a surreal and mysterious look.

自然美是现实美与超验美的统一。The natural beauty is the unity of the realistic and surreal beauty.

我记得整个事件的超现实和极端性让我感到惊愕。I remember just being amazed by how surreal and extreme all of it was.

随着电脑动画人物与机器人形象越来越人性化,它们似乎越来越脱离现实。As computer graphics and robots get more human, they often seem more surreal

对于我们这些在这个行业里呆久的人来说,这是超现实的。For those of us who have been in the industry for a long time, it’s surreal.

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我感觉我好像置身于一部瑞典超现实电影中,正被怪诞的北欧巨魔威胁着。I feel as if I'm in a surreal Swedish movie being threatened by bizarre trolls.

“他画了一些以糖果色安全套为主题的超现实的奇妙画作,”马芝安说。"He was painting surreal fantasy paintings of candy-colored condoms, " said Ms.

这是我旅途中见过的最不真实,形势紧张的场面之一。It is one of the most surreal and tense scenes I have seen throughout my journeys.