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她被传染上了肺结核。She was infected with tuberculosis.

王林被诊断为肺结核。Wang was diagnosed with tuberculosis.

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什么是初治肺结核?What is is tuberculosis treated first?

结核性腱鞘炎是罕见的肺外结核病。His left lung is affected by tuberculosis.

肺结核病曾经一度广泛流行。Tuberculosis was once terribly fashionable.

肺结核病可以由于过度劳累而复发。Tuberculosis can be reactivated by overwork.

放入是脊柱结核的疾病。Tuberculosis of the spine is Pott's disease.

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肺结核病有咯血症状。他感染了肺结核病。In cases of tuberculosis blood is expectorated.

肺结核病有咯血症状。In cases of tuberculosis blood is expectorated.

他们还排除了图坦卡蒙患有黑死病或肺结核。They also ruled out bubonic plague or tuberculosis.

1955年,早坂文雄死于肺结核,那时他41岁。In 1955, Hakasaka died of tuberculosis at the age of 41.

标准的结核病疫苗是卡介苗。The standard vaccination against tuberculosis is the BCG.

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曼奇家有几个人都是死于结核病。Several of the Munch's family members died of tuberculosis.

巨结节型之肝胆道结核菌感染是非常罕见的。The macronodular form of hepatobiliary tuberculosis is rare.

某人为罗伯茨肺结核的痊愈而祷告。Someone prayed for Oral Roberts to be healed of tuberculosis.

结核病成为最常见的爱滋病界定疾病。Tuberculosis is becoming the commonest AIDS-defining illness.

在每个国家,癌症和肺结核是很严重的疾病。Cancer and tuberculosis are serious maladies in every country.

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肺结核快恢复了。竟出现咯血。Tuberculosis is fast restored. Appear unexpectedly haemoptysis.

标准的卡介苗在世界各国用来对付肺结核。The standard BCG vaccine is used worldwide against tuberculosis.

结核病唯一可用的免疫预防制剂是BCG。BCG is the only available vaccine for prevention of tuberculosis.