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存在任何区域的坏死吗?Is there any area of necrosis?

真皮层可见坏死病灶。The necrosis foci were seen in corium.

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庸鲽神经坏死病毒。Atlantic halibut nervous necrosis virus.

熟悉牙髓坏死,牙髓变性等。To grasp necrosis and degeneration of the pulp.

脑损伤可导致神经细胞坏死。Brain injury may lead to neuronal cell necrosis.

它经常包含坏死区和钙化区。They often contain areas of necrosis and calcification.

肿瘤中心常见变性坏死。The tumor had central zone of degeneration and necrosis.

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如果不进行治疗,肌红蛋白尿就可能造成肾小管坏死Myoglobinuria may result in renal tubular necrosis if untreated

目的探讨月骨无菌性坏死的病因。Objective To discuss the etiology of lunate avascular necrosis.

舟状骨缺血性坏死的原因有很多。Avascular necrosis of scaphoid is related to various etiologies.

坏死的肝细胞和细胞质的起泡是被观察到了。Necrosis of hepatocytes and cytoplasmic blebbing were also observed.

可能会有皮肤坏死,由于缺乏足够的血流量,以皮肤。There may be skin necrosis due to inadequate blood flow to the skin.

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如果有肠管坏死必要时行肠管部分切除术。Enterectomy is necessary if it has a part of intestine tube necrosis.

病理检查胎盘蜕膜细胞、绒毛膜滋养层细胞变性坏死。The placental decidua cells and villi ceil degenerated with necrosis.

注意液化性坏死溶解形成的囊性空腔。Note that it is a cystic space from the resolved liquefactive necrosis.

目的探讨MRI对股骨头缺血性坏死的诊断。Objective To study MRI diagnosis of avascular necrosis of femoral head.

肿瘤凝固性坏死合并中心液化坏死。Tumor coagulative necrosis combining with center liquefactive necrosis.

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灯光音响是在肝脏更有效地诱导肿瘤完全坏死。STACE is more efficient at inducing complete tumor necrosis in the liver.

发生液化性坏死并形成囊性空腔。There is liquefactive necrosis with beginning formation of cystic spaces.

内固定失败的另一个重要原因的是缺血性骨坏死。Another major cause of failure of internal fixation is avascular necrosis.