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在织带存在严重的蝗灾。In severe infestations webbing is present.

它颤抖着,如桦树枝在网罗空气。It trembles as birch limbs webbing the air.

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此线一般用做装饰性强的车缝或织带。It is usually used for sewing or webbing on decoration.

肩甲与胸甲用皮革或带子连接。The bells are attached by black leather or webbing straps.

祝贺你织带和良好祝愿,幸福的婚姻。Congratulations on your webbing and best wishes for a happy marriage.

小拉链口袋顶部包含织带补充袋附件带。Small zip top pocket contains webbing strap for supplementary bag attachment.

我司专业生产各类高强尼龙织带。Division I professional production of various types of high-strength nylon webbing.

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伊利亚·伍德被尸罗的网缠住时,实际上是被一种像乳胶的东西包住了。Elijah Wood was wrapped in a latex-like material that represented Shelob's webbing.

方大织带有限公司拥有先进的生产设备和技术人员。Fangda Webbing Co. , Ltd. has advanced production equipment and technical personnel.

我的靴子已经陷入了带子和我被抬离了一英尺高的山上。My boot had caught in the webbing and I was being lifted off the mountain by one foot.

大鳍的推动可以使得其可以在水中如同飞一样前进,正如你所猜的一样,像个蝙蝠。The webbing help propel it through the water and almost fly like—you guessed it—a bat.

自动打孔系统是机械式织带机系统实现自动化的一个重要部分。Automatic slotting system is an important part of automation of mechanical webbing loom.

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走软绳是一项平衡运动,使用的是绷紧后固定于两个定位点之间的尼龙织带。A balance sport, Slacklining utilizes nylon webbing stretched tight between two anchor points.

后果是可怕的,任何一个植被被厚厚的网所覆盖,像是外星奇观。The result is an eerie, alien panorama, with any vegetation covered in a thick mass of webbing.

耐用的尼龙带,配有人体工学泡沫把手,超轻的网状存储袋。Durable nylon webbing on ergonomically designed foam grip handles, lightweight mesh storage bag.

它采用液态聚脂材料经网状纺织而成,可承受超过2吨的力。It uses webbing woven from liquid polyester capable of withstanding forces in excess of 2 tonnes.

PZ300型织带整经机,用于织带机经轴的整经工艺。PZ300 series of weaving warping machine is mainly used for adjusting axes workmanship of webbing.

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蜘蛛侠奋力朝着两边的大楼撒网,还用自己的身躯顶在火车头前想要让它减速并且停下来。Webbing onto nearby buildings and using himself, at the head of the train, to slow it and stop it.

购自美国海军军部,有襟章、腰带及军帽,连太阳眼镜。US Navy White Choker Uniform Set with a hat, webbing belt, sun glasses, ribbons, insignias &medals.

一块轻巧的罩布包裹着沙地跑鞋帮面的外围,刚好在中底之上。A piece of lightweight webbing runs around the outside of the Desert upper, just above the mid sole.