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急需药理问答答案。Be badly in need of pharmacodynamics interlocution answer.

昨天,该网站已经删除该问答内容。Yesterday, this website has deleted this interlocution content.

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其间还穿插了微软知识问答,气氛十分活跃。And the interlocution about knowledge of microsoft make the action very activity.

内序的产生,是先在的所有问对形式共同作用的结果。The internal prefaces come into being because of the function of interlocution form.

通过与微软亚洲研究院院长面对面对话,广大师生分享到沈博士许多科研心得和治学方法。Through the face-to-face interlocution with Dr Shen, we shared with him many experiences and methods of research.

其实,在复试时通过问答的形式很容易体现出考生素质来。Actually, in the form that interlocution adopts when the second-round exam very light body reveals examinee quality to come.

访谈是模仿的“实话实说”,主持人覃争鸣机敏问答,两个伴奏人员在旁适时音乐伴奏,气氛很好。The talk show copyed "tell like it is", Tan Zhengming, the hoster's astute interlocution and the accompany music built a good atmosphere.

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据了解,网友只需回答6道关于山东的旅游问答,就有机会赢取价值3000元的奖品。As we have learned, the netizen needs to answer 6 travel interlocution about Shandong only, organic meeting wins take value 3000 yuan award.

网站只有一个静态页面,它以问答的形式将网友可能出现的疑问做出了详细的解答。The website has page of a static state only, it made detailed solution with the doubt that the form of interlocution may appear the netizen.

在一次电视智力问答节目获得第一名后,他选择的奖品是和妈妈一起到故乡俄罗斯旅行。In TV intelligence interlocution program obtains the first name hind, the award that he chooses is travel to birthplace Russia together with mom.

而现代派诗歌与新感觉派小说通过文体对话互相学习、互相影响。What's more, modernistic poems and new-sensual novels learned from each other and influenced each other through the interlocution between their styles.

针对这次网络问答,白宫官员提醒参与者尊重他人观点,避免使用侮辱性语言。Be aimed at this network interlocution , official of the White House reminds participator to respect other viewpoint, avoid to use contemptuous sex language.

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该系统利用大词汇量非特定人连续语音识别技术与口语对话模型实现了智能熊猫系统的人机知识问答。Human-ma-chine interlocution of Smartpanda System is implemented by means of speaker independent continuous speech recognition technology and dialogue model.

但手工操作的考务安排给考试管理工作带来诸多困难,传统的试卷问答形式很难对计算机的应用能力进行客观评价。But manual arrangement brings more difficult to exam management, traditional paper interlocution form is hard to evaluation impersonality for capability of application.