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到底哪种才是麦芽糖的味道。In the end what is the taste of maltose.

关火,加入,麦芽糖。Switch off the fire and add the maltose.

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最后,加入麦芽糖,翻炒混合均匀。Lastly, stir in maltose and stir well to blend.

麦芽糖可用于生产婴儿的食品和麦牙乳。Maltose is used in infant foods and in malted milk.

烂铁罐、生胶鞋、废物不卖,麦芽糖、甜夹香、何需花钱买。Savory Maltose sandwich biscuits needed no money to buy!

葡萄糖和麦芽糖间呈现极显著性差异。There are a very marked differences of glucose with maltose.

先把沙子放入大铁锅中和麦芽糖一起翻炒。Put sand in an iron cauldron and fry it with maltose on a fire.

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建立了HPLC法测定麦芽糖注射液的含量。HPLC method was established for the determination of maltose injection.

以碎米为原料,采用全酶法制备超高麦芽糖浆。Extremely high maltose syrup was enzymatically produced from broken rice.

糊精是妨碍麦芽糖结晶和晶浆过滤的主要因素。Maltodextrin is a main negative factor to the crystallization process of maltose.

麦芽糖可由淀粉水解获得,是双糖的一个例子。Maltose which can be obtained by hydrolysis of starch is an example of a disaccharide.

测定了海带饴糖的理化指标和微生物指标。We also measured the physical and chemical index and microbiological index of maltose.

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大豆、奶、砂糖、芽糖将、脂奶粉、酸钙、用盐。Soybean, Milk, Sugar, Maltose Syrup, Whole Milk Powder, Calcium Carbonate, Edible Salt.

对酶制剂在淀粉糖中使用的新研究进展进行了介绍。The author introduced some new research progress on the use of enzymes in the production of maltose.

酿造过程中,当酶已经把淀粉转化为麦芽糖之后加入酒花。Hops are added during brewing and after the enzymes of the malt have converted the Starch to the sugar maltose.

老抽的颜色效果,譬如加上麦芽糖,就可以造到凤爪的颜色,而加入花椒、八角、蠔油等就是卤水汁。It is some very concentrated soy sauce. This trick on coloring also applies on chicken feet with maltose added.

结果表明,WI树脂对超高麦芽糖浆中的低聚精具有较好的吸附分离效果。It shows that resins of WI has good adsorption properties for maltoligosaccharides in extreme high maltose syrup.

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蔗糖、甘露糖、葡萄糖、木糖和淀粉有利于菌丝生长,而麦芽糖和D-半乳糖较差。Sucrose, mannose, glucose, xylose and starch were beneficial to its growth compared with maltose and D-galactose.

烟草低头黑病菌在麦芽糖液体培养基中能产生对烟草的致萎毒素。The toxin from tobacco black death disease pathogen was produced to wilt tobacco seedlings in the maltose liquid medium.

本文综述了麦芽糖和麦芽糖醇的生产和技术的发展以及发展前景。This paper describes the development and prospects of the production and technologies of maltose and maltitol industries.