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我要求把我的不同意见记录下来。I want my disagreement to be minuted,

我希望把我的看法记入议事录。I want my disagreement to be minuted.

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在某些领域,我们有强烈的分歧。In some areas we have vigorous disagreement.

在第二节课中,我们来看表示不同意。In the second show, we’ll look at disagreement.

这给人一种完全不一致的感觉。It gives one a sensation of total disagreement.

她嘴角下撇,表示不同意。Her down-turned lips indicated her disagreement.

有些意见一致,也有些有很大分歧。There's some consensus, but a lot of disagreement.

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但是,埃拉卡特表示,这就是分歧所在。But, Erekat said, this is where the disagreement is.

那次罢工的起源是因工资问题上的歧见。The genesis of strike was a disagreement over wages.

我们有一个存在强烈分歧的领域。There is one area where we have vigorous disagreement.

然两国争执的源由是双方的严重利益分歧所在。But they disagree over the source of their disagreement.

指导灵中存在巨大的分岐力量。There was a huge disagreement among the forces of guides.

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这是对赫施观点的反对意见。which is obviously one point of disagreement with Hirsch.

意见分歧已留下深深的伤痕,只有时间来医治创伤了。The disagreement left deep wounds that only time may heal.

但受访者对于究竟应该削减哪类支出存在争议。But there was disagreement over what type of spending to cut.

记者们对我们的小分歧作了添油加醋的报道。The reporters were dramatizing the small disagreement we had.

但是有迹象表明在巴黎时盟军中存在分歧。But there were signs of disagreement among the allies in Paris.

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双方存在强烈分歧的一个领域是导弹防御问题。One area where there is strong disagreement is missile defense.

关于巴拉那州作物可能遭受的损失,目前没有取得一致意见。There is some disagreement over the potential Parana crop loss.

正如预期的一样,在很多重要领域也存在着分歧。As one might expect, there were important areas of disagreement.