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佐拉姆加前哨站将会变为一座战歌堡风格的要塞。Zoram'gar Outpost will be a Warsong Hold style base.

这里长眠着格罗姆•地狱咆哮,战歌氏族的酋长。Here lies Grommash Hellscream, Chieftain of the Warsong Clan.

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战歌氏族开始砍伐灰谷森林。Ashenvale Forest begins to be cut and cleared by the Warsong Clan.

奥特兰克峡谷,阿拉希盆地和战歌峡谷的战事都歇了下来。Hostilities have even ceased in Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch.

珍娜·普罗德摩尔在石爪山脉的定居点被战歌氏族攻击。Settlements of Jaina Proudmoore in the Stonetalon Mountains are attacked by the Warsong clan.

战歌峡谷,阿拉希盆地,以及风暴之眼在即将结束之前的会有额外荣誉。Additional Honor is rewarded upon conclusion of Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Eye of the Storm.

在光明露台可以找到从沙塔斯城到复仇登陆点、战歌要塞、Valgarde和Valiance要塞的传送点。Portals from Shattrath to Vengeance Landing, Warsong Hold, Valgarde and Valiance Keep can be found in the Terrace of Light.

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格罗姆·地狱咆哮和他的战歌氏族在灰谷遇到了远古暗夜精灵的哨兵。As Hellscream and his loyal Warsong warriors stalked through the forests of Ashenvale, they clashed with the ancient night elf Sentinels.

开放贩卖新的奖品,只要关系到达“荣誉”就可以购买新增的战利品。Warsong Gulch has new item rewards at the appropriate faction vendor near the entrances to the zone. These are available starting at Honored faction.

虽然格罗姆?地狱咆哮和他的战歌氏族逃离了追捕,但死亡之眼和他的血窟氏族却被囚禁在了洛丹伦的俘虏收容所中。Though Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan managed to evade capture, Deadeye and his Bleeding Hollow clan were rounded up and placed in the internment camps in Lordaeron.

最近几个月,随着初生牛犊般的加罗什·地狱咆哮在此建立了坚实的兽人要塞战歌堡,部落在此占据了主导地位。In recent months the Horde has established a dominant presence here as the young and daringly aggressive Garrosh Hellscream has founded the rugged orc fortress of Warsong Hold.

这段尚未表白爱情归属,就俯首直面生死的考验,牺牲的战歌伴着爱情旋律荡气回肠,催人泪下,化作“十分爱情”。This section has not yet vindicate love ownership, bend the face the choice between life and death, and sacrifice with the warsong love them, the present, turned into a melody "very love".