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有海水淡化、再生水和中水回用的相关背景知识。With a knowledge in desalination process, water reclaim and reuse.

附属的海水淡化装置每年将提供10,000吨淡水。A desalination facility will provide 10,000 tons of water per year.

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这些国家刚刚开始关注海水淡化的缺点。Only now are countries starting to see the downsides of desalination.

分水工程价格不菲,而海水脱盐淡化的价格在下降。Water diversion is not cheap, but the price of desalination is falling.

脱盐膜可滤除盐份,让清的水流过。Desalination membranes filter out salts, allowing clean water to pass through.

可循环使用的能源也会提供给脱盐作物,这些作物会提供干净的水。Renewables will also support a desalination plant that will provide fresh water.

因此,海水去盐逆向渗透作用减少了能量的消耗。As a result, the energy use for reverse-osmosis seawater desalination has fallen.

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它也可以通过脱盐技术,为孤立的地方间接提供可饮用水。It can also provide clean drinking water to isolated spots via desalination techniques.

他拼命地想喝到水,情急之下,就用供神用的东西做了一个简易的脱盐装置。Desperate for drinking water, he used holy objects to make a simple desalination device.

四是淡化并最终取消基本医疗保险个人帐户。Fourth, the desalination and cancels basic medical insurance individual account finally.

电渗析淡化法是使用一种特别制造的薄膜实现的。Electrodialysis desalination method is to use a special manufacturing thin-film achieved.

有一段时间,电力和水的合作生产称为去盐工业的主导方向。For a time, the cogeneration of electricity and water dominated the desalination industry.

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一些海滨城市正建造海水淡化处理厂,以解燃眉之急。Some coastal cities are building desalination plants to turn seawater into drinking water.

发电厂现场内的一个海水淡化厂提供给本厂所需的冷却水。An on-site desalination plant means that the operation generates its own water for cooling.

露点蒸发淡化技术是一种新的苦咸水和海水淡化方法。Desalination by dewvaporation process is a novel brackish and seawater desalination method.

“哇!”我自言自语,“真难以相信他让我掌管这个脱盐厂。”"Wow, "I said to myself. "I can't believe he left me in control of this desalination plant.

海水淡化让统治者和社会精英可以继续挥霍水资源。Desalination has allowed dictators and elites to continue to waste water on a massive scale.

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“哇!”我自言自语,“真难以相信他让我掌管这个脱盐厂。”"Wow, "I shout to myself. "I can't believe he left me in control of the desalination plant. "

尽管目前存在为海水脱盐的海水淡化厂,但其代价仍然很高。Although desalination plants that remove salt from saltwater now exist, they remain expensive.

地面上纵横交错着探矿留下的沟壕,不远处是正在拔地而起的海水淡化工厂。Prospecting trenches crossed the field not far from where the desalination plant was going up.