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该系统可适用住院病人和门诊部病人具有高度的融合性。It is an in-patient and outpatient system.

她作为门诊病人接受了精神科护理。She received psychiatric care as an outpatient.

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他更像是个门诊病人,而你是他的护理。He's more of an outpatient and you're his keeper.

如住院部、门诊部。Such as the inpatient and outpatient departments.

因此,我们必须要向门急诊领域扩展。So we need to get to the outpatient ambulatory realm.

医院精神科和门诊中心Hospital psychiatry departments and outpatient clinics

射频消融术经常由门诊部完成。Radiofrequency ablation is often done on an outpatient basis.

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在印度,为穷人的门诊医疗筹资是关注的一个重要问题。In India, financing outpatient care for the poor is a key concern.

超过100个门诊专科诊所位于儿童。More than 100 outpatient specialty clinics are located at Children's.

门诊部普通门诊病员,应先挂号后诊病。Average outpatient service, should the clinic after register first ask.

门诊患者需要3次历时30分钟的治疗以完成治疗。Three 30-minute outpatient sessions are needed to complete the treatment.

目的探讨门诊森田疗法对神经症的疗效。Objective To evaluate outpatient Morita therapy on the efficacy of neurosis.

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应用臭氧注射液对椎旁肌肉,作为门诊。Application of ozone injections on the paravertebral muscles, as an outpatient.

留学生患病可凭学生证到校医院就诊。The University Hospital provides outpatient care to students with BLCU student I.

在这场痛苦不堪的经历之后,我还得去沃尔多市接受出院治疗。After that agonizing experience, I had to go to outpatient therapy in Waldorf, MD.

方法对900例干部门诊就诊者进行问卷调查分析。Methods 900 officers in outpatient department were investigated by questionnaires.

操作无需切开或者缝合,是一种典型的门诊操作方案。No incision or suturing is necessary, and it is typically an outpatient procedure.

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位内分泌学专家接受门诊病人的特别咨询。Twenty-one endocrinologists conducted specialty outpatient metabolic consultations.

规定病种门诊享受什么优惠待遇?Is formulary disease planted what privilege treatment does outpatient service enjoy?

每日的收入主要靠门诊处、住院处两个收费窗口来实现。The daily income mainly depends on two windows of outpatient and hospital department.