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那些肮脏的蓝色小盒我无法找到。I can never find those beastly little blue packets.

它把鼻子从墙板那边伸出来啦。I saw him stick his beastly nose out of the wainscoting.

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女人总产生相反的效果,使他更像野兽。They had always had the counter effect of making him beastly.

注重外表的衣冠禽兽,普天之下到处都是。The well-dressed men of beastly temper are ubiquitous in every where.

“一切溜溜顺”容德雷特回答,“只是我的脚冷得象冻狗肉一样。"All's going first-rate," responded Jondrette, "but my feet are beastly cold.

“你们知道,”父亲接着说,“在这鬼窝窝洞里,冷得象狗一样。"Do you know," went on the father, "that it's beastly cold in this devil's garret!

“你们知道,”父亲接着说,“在这鬼窝窝洞里,冷得象狗一样。"Do you know, " went on the father, "that it's beastly cold in this devil's garret!

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但他这种恶劣行为之所以可以容忍,原因与他所处的行业有关。But what makes his beastly behaviour just about OK is the line of business he is in.

一项关于“雇佣中对长相出众人的偏见”的研究表明,漂亮也会是一种劣势。One study, Physical Attractiveness Bias In Hiring, shows that beauty can be beastly.

这里没有讨厌的沙滩,据说还被称作难看的海滨。There is not a vestige of beastly sand anywhere. I have heard it called an ugly coast.

“约翰,”达林先生说,打了个寒颤,“那东西难吃得要命。是那种又粘又甜的腻味死人的东西。”"John," he said, shuddering, "it's most beastly stuff. It's that nasty, sticky, sweet kind."

当然,这部电影也给美国人上了一课,德国人并不像洪水猛兽一样。Still, the movie holds a lesson for American audiences raised on movies about the beastly Germans.

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这些怪物进行缓慢的移动,有些能够散发出恶臭来毒害它们的猎物。These beastly things move ponderously , and some are known to exude a foul stench that poisons their victims.

其实迈克尔·贝觉得对于影片中出现的威震天来说,弗兰克的声音明显不够厚重,于是就让雨果·维文接替这一任务了。Michael Bay also felt his voice was too light for Megatron's new beastly look, and so Hugo Weaving took the role of Megatron.

非常乾净、斯文的造型。却有个内健强力的振荡器,让它拥有如兽性般凶猛的一面。Extremely clean, refined appearance. but has a interior powerful oscillator, lets it has another side like beastly nature fierceness.

当我看到某人既无能、又死死抓住一份好工作不放,这会让我为老板糟糕的管理感到愤怒。When I see someone who is both incompetent and beastly holding on to a good job it makes me cross with my employer for bad management.

人类的过去总的来说是很野蛮的,人们一直都在打仗斗殴,恃强欺弱、强抢硬夺和相互伤害。The past of man has been on the whole a pretty beastly business, a business of fighting and bullying and gorging and grabbing and hurting.

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为了魔兽世界,如今我们在全球范围内雇了3000多名员工,他们规模的不断壮大才是其成功的主要原因。For the evil spirit beastly world, we globally have hired now more than 3000 staffs, their scale expands is its successful primary cause unceasingly.

它是“一片厚实而漆黑的星云,这片星云的体积可以容纳下十几个太阳系,也许星云的内部正孕育着幼年期的恒星。”it’s “the core of a thick, sooty cloud large enough to swallow dozens of solar systems and may be harboring beastly stars in the process of forming.”

你也可以说,美国人待他们的宠物如同待他们的孩子一样--有时甚至更好。For special occasions, they can use canine perfume to make their dogs smell, well, less beastly. You might say Americans treat their pets like they treat their children-sometimes even better.