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安娜斯塔西亚·杜埃拉被从什么军衔晋升到什么军衔?Anastasia Dualla was promoted from what rank to what rank?

她夸张地鞠了个躬。“阿纳斯塔西娅·克鲁布尼克,随时为您效劳,”她说。She bowed dramatically. "Anastasia Krupnik, at your service, " she said.

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俄罗斯的帕卡琳娜和波兹尼亚科娃以323.61分获得银牌。Julia Pakhalina and Anastasia Pozdnyakova of Russia took silver with 323.61.

尽管她的爸爸妈妈坚持认为她是一个正常人,不需要精神分析师的检查,但是阿纳斯塔西娅并没有放弃自己的想法。Though her parents insist she´s normal and won´t send her to an analyst, Anastasia refuses to give up.

安娜斯塔西亚说,她和她父母都相信,如果给奥尔巴一个机会,她可以完成正常的学业。Anastasia said she and her parents were convinced that Alba could do regular schoolwork if given a chance.

我的第二个故事是一个妇女两年前在世界卫生大会上对我们所做的陈述。My second story comes from a lady who spoke to us at the World Health Assembly two years ago. Anastasia Kamylk.

超市经理阿纳斯塔西娅·波尔森说,“这只狗是混在人群里潜入超市的,我们并未察觉。”"We didn't know it happened because he just snuck in with the customers, " said store manager Anastasia Polson.

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那么,如果阿纳斯塔西娅把自己心中的困扰偷偷地告诉世界上最著名的精神分析师,接下来会发生什么事呢?What will happen if they find out Anastasia is secretly telling her troubles to the most famous analyst in the world?

在延缓死亡的情况下生活,更突出了尽可能利用自己的技能和剩余时间的紧迫性。Living with death postponed sharpens the urgency to make the most of skills and the time left. Anastasia got in touch again last week.

阿纳斯塔西娅是英国智库机构Civitas的副主任,她称许多女性为了事业将婚姻推迟到了30多岁才举行。Anastasia de Waal, deputy director of the Civitas think-tank, said many women were putting off marriage till their 30s to develop their careers.

现在我每天仍接受考验。有人想与安娜塔西亚寻衅起事。又有麻烦来了,因为我处理自己的事。我想我应该让你知道。Now I'm still tested everyday, and people try to mess with Anastasia. Got another thing coming 'cause I handle mine, and I thought I better let you know.

但这也有更广泛意义上的作用,让我们不要忘记在我们为支持像Carolina一样的人,像Anastasia一样的人开展工作时必须努力达到的其它目标。But it also works in a wider sense, to remind us of the other goals we must strive for in our work to support people like Carolina, people like Anastasia.

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受伤的企业家“克里斯蒂安•格雷”千方百计想要挽回心有余悸的女大学生“安娜斯塔西亚•斯蒂尔”,而谨慎的安娜在答应给克里斯蒂安一个重新改过的机会之前,做了一项新的安排。When a wounded Christian Grey tries to entice a cautious Anastasia Steele back into his life, she demands a new arrangement before she will give him another chance.

德国人格尔格斯在马德里继续着良好状态,斯图加特赛冠军战胜了俄罗斯人帕夫尤申科娃晋级4强。Germany's Julia Gorges continued her fine form in the women's event in Madrid, with the Stuttgart champion beating Russia's Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova to reach the semifinals.

英国智囊团Civitas的阿纳斯塔西娅•德•瓦尔说,在过去,“对于许多女人来说,婚姻就是她们的身份,已婚女人的身份就是一个妻子,但现在婚姻更多的是一种伙伴关系”。Anastasia de Waal, of the think-tank Civitas, said that in the past, ‘for many women, marriage was their identity –you were a wife –but now it’s much more about partnership’.

安娜斯塔西娅是斯维达斯专家组的成员,她说,在过去对很多妇女来说,婚姻是就一种身份,一个妻子的身份,但是现在婚姻中更侧重的是伴侣关系。Anastasia de Waal, of the think-tank Civitas, said that in the past, 'for many women, marriage was their identity – you were a wife – but now it's much more about partnership'.

英国智囊团Civitas的阿纳斯塔西娅•德•瓦尔说,在过去,“对于许多女人来说,婚姻就是她们的身份,已婚女人的身份就是一个妻子,但现在婚姻更多的是一种伙伴关系”。Anastasia de Waal, of the think-tank Civitas, said that in the past, ‘for many women, marriage was their identity – you were a wife – but now it’s much more about partnership’.

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两个女孩都上了大学,因为安娜斯塔西亚和她父母决心要给奥尔巴所有她应得的机遇,并且不羞于向包括我在内的其他人求助。They both went on to college, because Anastasia and her parents were determined to give Alba all the opportunities she deserved, and weren’t shy about asking others, including me, to help.

北京2008奥运会,在国家游泳中心,阿纳斯塔西娅-达维多娃与阿纳斯塔西娅-叶尔马科娃正在为花样游泳双人技术自选的比赛做着准备。Anastasia Davydova and Anastasia Ermakova prepare to perform in the duet technical routine synchronised swimming event at the National Aquatics Center during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.