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有一种萍水相逢叫美丽。A coincidental meeting can be beauty.

然而,许多不良事件属于偶合病状。Many events are, however, coincidental medical conditions.

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如果他们分解后是同样的值,那么这是完全巧合的。If they resolve to the same value, it is purely coincidental.

类似这样的一连串罪行似乎不可能是巧合。Such strings of similar crimes seem unlikely to be coincidental.

这一减少一般是与结瘤的减少相对应。This reduction was generally coincidental with reduced nodulation.

我们不知道这是偶然因素,还是存在着某种诱发因素。We don’t know if it is coincidental or if there is some causative factor.

这两篇文章的发表决非巧合。The publication of two such articles can hardly be regarded as coincidental.

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如有与现实人物、地点及事件之雷同,实乃巧合。请勿。Any resemblance to existing persons, places or events is entirely coincidental.

如有与现实人物、地点及事件之雷同,实乃巧合。请勿考据。Any resemblance to exsiting persons, places or events is entirely coincidental.

巧合的是这些规定在上周出现包裹炸弹事件的几天后正式生效。It was coincidental that they came into effect days after last week's incidents.

三是梦兆,即与事实巧合的早期梦境。The third one is dream omen, which is coincidental with the earlier dream world.

一些人质疑这份报告的可信度,称纯属巧合。Some people doubt the credibility of the report, claiming it is all coincidental.

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报告这些偶合病状可能导致不适当的恐惧和主观臆断。The reporting of such coincidental conditions can lead to undue fears and allegations.

很巧合,基米莱科宁现在是车手积分榜第三名,他仿佛在同样的时间有了问题。It was coincidental that Kimi Raikkonen, now third, appeared to have a problem at the same time.

成龙的动作剪辑恰好配合了超级玛里奥的跑跑跳跳。Jacky Chan's fictional action collage is a coincidental match with Super Mario's runs and jumps.

这件事情发生在李彦宏40岁生日时,巧合的是百度没有一个人予以反驳。The first story ran on Li's 40th birthday, timing that no one at Baidu dismissed as coincidental.

我觉得谷歌刚好在一个大的新闻发布会之前发布此次谷歌地图的更新不会完全是因为巧合。I find it a little coincidental that Google updates the Google Maps app right before a big press event.

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本文内容纯属虚构。如有与现实人物、地点及事件之雷同,实乃巧合。This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to exsiting persons, places or events is entirely coincidental.

各项鉴定结果均符合乳球菌属和相应种鉴定标准。All the results were coincidental to the identification criteria of genus and related species of Lactococcus.

各项鉴定结果均符合乳杆菌属和相应种的鉴定标准。All the results were coincidental to the identification criteria of genus and related species of Lactobacillus.