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在赫雷兹我们测试了几个新的空气动力学套件,它将会在新加坡站使用。In Jerez we tested several new aerodynamic components which we'll be using in Singapore.

在赫雷斯的医院里的医生表示,这一家人都对这个孩子的出生感到高兴。Doctors at the hospital in Jerez confirmed that the family had been pleased at the birth.

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我被邀请来测试迫使印度车队在赫雷斯和,我非常乐意接受。I was invited to test with Force India F1 Team at Jerez and I was very happy to accept it.

右后卫赫雷斯在肌腱发炎恢复后,大腿仍有一些问题。Right-back Jerez also has problems with his thigh after recovering from tendon inflammation.

上一次我们用他时,是冬天在赫雷兹和巴塞隆拿的测试中,只能挺1圈。When we last used it, during winter testing at Jerez and Barcelona, it was lasting only one lap.

这个看起来极端的空力解决方案是在上一次赫雷斯测试时使用,之后在法国站被采纳。This radical-looking aero solution was used in the last test at Jerez and then adopted for France.

上周在赫雷斯赛道举行了测试之后,本田车队也对自己的RA106赛车进行了改装,同样这样做的车队还有丰田和红牛。Honda have made revisions on their RA106 after testing last week in Jerez , as do Toyota and Red Bull.

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在赫雷斯的测试后我在芬兰坐船出海度过了几天美好的夏天。After testing in Jerez I had a couple of days to enjoy the beautiful Finnish summer in the sea with the boat.

卢士涛是西班牙雪利酒顶级生产商之一,于1896年创建于西班牙南部的赫雷兹·德拉弗龙特拉地区。Emilio Lustau, one of Spain's leading Sherry bodegas, was established in 1896 in the Jerez de la Frontera region.

冬测分别在巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚、赫雷兹进行,那条赛道更适合FW30?还是说都很适合?Q. Having tested at Barcelona, Valencia and Jerez , which track is the FW30 most suited to or is it good all over?

亚历克斯·沃尔兹和我会轮流为车队义务试车,这次在欧洲站之后轮到他去赫雷兹测试。Alex Wurz and I alternate testing duties for the team, and it was his turn to test at Jerez after the European Grand Prix.

在赫雷兹的测试中你说你还没有把新的轮胎推到极限,你觉得还有更多提升空间么?Q. You mentioned at the Jerez test that you were still not at the limit with new tyres . Do you think there is more to come?

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但是,10天前,她的出生在西班牙南部的城市赫雷斯引发了一场风暴——因为她的妈妈年仅10岁。But her birth 10 days ago in the southern Spanish city of Jerez has provoked a storm – because her mother is just 10 years old.

我们希望确定我做了最好的准备,显然我是的,所以我们都觉得不需要他来赫雷兹。We wanted to make sure I am best prepared, and obviously I am, as we both didn't see the necessity to have him join me in Jerez.

明天我会在赫雷斯试车,在那里我还会测试2009年使用的光头胎。As of tomorrow I'll be at Jerez de la Frontera for the private tests, where I amongst other things will test the slicks for 2009.

看着赫雷兹和巴伦西亚每天试车的状况,我真的觉得我们对领奖台缺乏竞争力。Seeing the day to day and the testing at Jerez , and Valencia I really think we are lacking that bit to be fighting for the podium.

目前节目在阶段1。成套工具仅一些个片断在赫雷斯黑色暂时被安装了,外部的颜色。Currently the programme is in stage 1. For now only a few pieces of kit have been installed in Jerez Black, the colour of the exterior.

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游览西班牙杰里兹城的星期四,我突然头痛不已,但是找了一个下午都没有找到一家开门营业的药店。While visiting the town of Jerez in Spain, I had a terrible headache but couldn't find an open pharmacy for an entire Thursday afternoon.

中国媒体将派出大量人员,包括CCTV,将和董荷斌一起来到赫雷兹,全程目睹这位年轻的中国车手的表现。A fairly large delegation of Chinese media , among them CCTV, will join Ho-Pin Tung in Jerez to cover the laps of the young Chinese driver.

从身体上和精神上,他觉得已经为再次在赫雷兹完成一次成功的测试做好了准备。“测试之前我不想说很多。Both physically and mentally he feels ready to complete a successful test session at Jerez once again. 'I don't want to say much prior to this test.