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还有炸土豆条,可乐。And a coke.

请来可乐吧。Coke , please.

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嘭的弹出一听可口可乐。Out pops a coke.

可乐里含有丰富的维生紊。Coke is rich in life.

你为什么喜欢可乐?Why do you like Coke?

可口可乐是种很大的药物!Coke is a helluva drug!

我们买一些可乐,好吗?Shall we buy some Coke?

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他非常喜欢可乐。He likes Coke very much.

不行,来一玻璃杯可乐吧。No. Have a glass of Coke.

这种臭可乐温温地不好喝。This Coke is fuckin warm.

谁点兰姆酒和可乐?Who had the rum and coke?

可口可乐是令人心清气爽的饮料。Coke is a refreshing drink.

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我以为最后那条是在说可乐。And I thought that was Coke.

家民喜欢可乐和果汁。Jiamin likes Coke and juice.

我麦香堡,一杯大可乐。I want a BigMac,a large Coke.

我麦香堡,一杯大可乐。I want a BigMac, a large Coke.

吴方老师在展示一罐可乐的一生!The true cost of a can of coke.

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如今可乐已蜚声全球。Coke is now familiar world-wide.

清凉一下,来杯可乐吧。Cool off for a bit. Have a coke.

一杯可乐。我爱喝可乐。A cup of coke.I like drinking it.