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那本畅销书我读了两遍。I read that best seller twice.

该货是畅销货。This product is a best seller.

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他装扮成一个卖灯的人。He pretended to be a lamp seller.

卖方响应,向买方报价。The seller responds with the quote.

乔为价格和卖主吵了起来。Joe rowed the seller about the price.

你的估价单被卖家回绝了。Your estimate was rejected by the seller.

我立即告知卖家,自己是写错了。I quickly notified the seller of my error.

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艾科卡的自传是一本畅销书。Iacocca's autobiography is a best- seller.

广告使它成为了畅销商品。It became a best seller because of the ad.

卖主只能开一个佛牌买卖帖。Seller can only post one sales thread only.

那朋友礼貌地对报贩说了声谢谢。His friend politely said thanks to the seller.

在销售合同中,此债务人为卖方。That debtor in a sales contract is the Seller.

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买方向卖方出具意向书和保密协议。Buyer issues LOI along with NCND to the Seller.

还好,我在深圳有个可信赖的卖家。Thankfully, I have a trusted seller in Shenzen.

小单间的卖主很罕见到铃铛带子融化。The cell seller seldom sees the bell belt melt.

将来我会成为一个卖辣炒年糕的小贩。In the future I'm going to be a Ddokboki seller.

有一个空头押注该公司股票价格将下跌。A short seller bets that a stock price will fall.

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那么销售者和消费者能否在这种情况下达成交易呢?Can a buyer and seller trade in such a situation?

卖方应将联系结果通过电报或电传及时报告买方。The Seller shall advise by cable or telex in time

售货员说我穿这条裙子看起来像二十岁。The seller said I look like twenty in this dress.