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首先是诊断。First, the diagnosis.

这种病症难以确诊。The case defies diagnosis.

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也许这才是正确的判断Maybe that's the right diagnosis.

胚胎植入前的诊断。Preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

我整天满脑子都是诊断书。I lived with that diagnosis all day.

医生诊断错了。The doctor was out in his diagnosis.

本病最好的诊断方法是行腰骶椎MRI检查。MRI is the best way for the diagnosis.

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费勒的确被诊断结果吓坏了。News of the diagnosis terrified Feiler.

整车电子电器故障诊断与分析?Vehicle EE fault diagnosis and analysis?

其诊断结果是基底细胞癌。The diagnosis was a basal cell carcinoma.

正式诊断结果是骨肉瘤。The official diagnosis was an osteosarcoma.

但是现在,他们已经走到疾病诊断这一方了。But now they've gone into the diagnosis side.

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问题源于一项漏诊。The problems started with a missed diagnosis.

结论ACCP对RA有较高的诊断价值。Conclusions ACCP is valuable for RA diagnosis.

再生障碍性贫血的诊断标准。Criteria for the diagnosis of aplastic anemia?

肛管直肠损伤的诊断和治疗。Diagnosis and treatment of anorectal injuries.

将给予放射学诊断以优先。Radiologic diagnosis will be given precedence.

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诊断通过取肿块组织进行细胞学分析。Diagnosis is made through cytology of the mass.

病理学诊断副神经节瘤。Pathologic diagnosis was primary paraganglioma.

主任,我的诊断和王医生的差不多。Professor, my diagnosis is as much as Dr. Wang.