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那是一个准则问题。The problem of the criterion.

正如标题所暗示的,设立一个标准。As setting the standard, The Criterion.

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我怎么知道哪条准则是对的?How do I know which criterion is right ?

实践是检验真理的唯一标准。Practice is the sole criterion of truth.

实践是检验真理的惟一标准。Practice is the sole criterion of truth.

提出旋转效应判别式。The criterion of rotating effect is suggested.

“是否合理”并非是评判宣传标语好坏的标准。“Sensible” is not the criterion for a placard.

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实践是检验真理的唯一标准。Practice is the sole criterion for judging truth.

贷款额度是策略的一项关键条件。The loan amount is a key criterion in the policy.

这是我们的平衡判据。All right, well, there's our equilibrium criterion.

真理的标准只能是社会的实践。Only social practice can be the criterion of truth.

则股票价格维持现价不变。Criterion stock price keeps present price changeless.

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能力强,则安全系数高。Capability is strong, criterion safety factor is high.

生活真实是判断艺术真实的主要标准。Life troth is the main criterion in judging art truth.

按乔汉生屈服准则设计板。Design of slab according to Johanson's yield criterion.

介绍了国外隔离病房的标准。Presents the some foreign criterion for isolation wards.

结果与整定值比较构成保护判据。The result and fixed value make of protection criterion.

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这与分解性标准不相容。This is incompatible with the decomposability criterion.

制定技术规范及标准,并组织实施。to enact and implement technical standard and criterion.

探讨了一种新的功角特性的静稳判据。A new steady state criterion of power angle is discussed.