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一定是又笨又傻吧?并不都是。Foolhardy and stupid? Not at all.

我们认为与这两者对抗就是愚勇。Fighting this combination is in our view for the foolhardy.

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而且,就像气候变化那样,忽视其中任何一种可能都是莽撞的。And, like climate change, it may be foolhardy to ignore any of them.

所以对于有勇无谋的人,只能让他们做帮手,而绝不能当领袖。So, for the foolhardy person, only so that they do help, but never a leader.

一旦他们在悬崖上摇摇欲坠,那就真的为时太晚。Once the foolhardy are teetering on the precipice, it is too late for smugness.

一位脸皮甚厚的自我炫耀者在火光中鲁莽的再次舞动自己的脚板。One thick-skinned show-off waves his foot in the flames for a foolhardy second.

当他在自己身上试验还处在初级阶段的疫苗时,有些人说他的行为是蛮干。When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act as foolhardy.

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阿纳金参与刺激的飞梭大赛就是一个很好的证明。Anakin's participation in the foolhardy sport of Podracing was testament to this.

有勇无谋的扎林甚至厚脸皮到了反击帝国的地步。The foolhardy Zaarin even had the audacity to strike against the Emperor himself.

超越舍伍德森林是一部关于危险、蛮勇和幻想的故事。Beyond hailing from Sherwood forest is a dangerous and foolhardy and fantasy about the story.

他表现出在战争中近乎有勇无谋的勇敢和喜欢冒险和危险的性格。He showed himself courageous even foolhardy under fire, and a great love of adventure and danger.

众所周知,地道曾经吞噬了这些有勇无谋的探险者,却从来没有吐出来过。It has been known for the tunnels to swallow these foolhardy explorers and never to spit them out.

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只有有勇无谋的傻瓜才相信中国在未来几十年不会沿着同样的轨迹发展。Only a foolhardy man would bet against China's following the same trajectory in the decades ahead.

仅是几年前出于昂贵而稍显鲁莽的购置,如今却显得超智能。Acquisitions that only a few years ago appeared a tad foolhardy now seem super-smart, if expensive.

当然,一味的蛮干往往会事倍功半,复习也要讲究技巧。Of course, only the foolhardy will often achieve very little, have to pay attention to skills review.

对于某些投资者和华尔街分析师而言,雅虎拒绝微软的收购看上去有勇无谋。Yahoo's resistance to a takeover by Microsoft looks foolhardy to some investors and Wall Street analysts.

但是仅仅由于现金在大把的投入,就认为旅游业正在复苏的边缘是非常草率的。But to think that travel is on the verge of a resurgence in terms of cash being thrown into it is foolhardy.

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一些投资者和华尔街分析师认为,雅虎拒绝微软收购是一种有勇无谋的行为。A few investor and wall street analyst think, yahoo rejects Microsoft to buy is a kind of foolhardy behavior.

就像对中国的崛起保持尴尬的沉默一样,不讨论这一选项似乎也是很鲁莽的行为。It seems as foolhardy not to discuss the option as it is to maintain such an awkward silence over China’s rise.

老先生穿了长袖衬衫、长裤,看出他在很努力地遮盖自己的“当年勇”。He was in long pants and long sleeves shirt, all in a vain attempt to cover up his foolhardy acts of yester-years.