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等候,是终生最初的苍老。Wait, is the original hoary life.

古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous.

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我多么痛恨这灰白木屋的气味!How I hate the odor of hoary wooden huts!

尽管白露使田野显得凄怆And though the fields look rough with hoary dew

樱桃梨树共争艳,四处飞花如雪片。The cherry and hoary pear, scatter their snow around.

“我站在古老的冬日雪夜中颤抖”。As I in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow"."

三生有幸握素手,百年修得共白头。To hold the hand, one hundred to mend altogether hoary head.

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一方面是座神圣的孤坟,一方面是满头的白发。On the one hand was sacred grave, on the other hoary locks.

祝愿一个心脏人,古老的头没有和相互事假。Wish one heart person, the hoary head not and mutually leave.

当姑娘们回到家时,才发现她们的未婚夫都白了头。When the girls got home, they found that their fiances' heads were hoary.

这是一个管理学上的陈词滥调了,一个好的老板应懂得如何倾听。It is a hoary cliché of management schools that a good boss knows how to listen.

这么老掉牙的东西还是和白澳政策一起塞到床底下去吧。That hoary old chestnut should've been put to bed with the white australia policy.

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瑜伽的传统来自十分悠久的年代,通过苦行者和隐士而保存生命力。The tradition of Yoga is a hoary one and has been kept alive by ascetics and hermits.

但是随着时间的流逝,一度新鲜的观念也变成了陈腐的教条。But as the years have passed, what were once fresh ideas have hardened into hoary dogmas.

青少年头上偶尔长十来根白头发是缺少什么维生素?On teenage head long now and then 10 come is hair of root hoary head what to vitamin lack?

在欲望的支配下彼此倾轧,有谁想到仁爱年老的母亲?Jostling against one another under the domination of desires, who will think of lenient hoary mother?

这一句陈腐的话,虽然平时他并不喜欢,但这时候他却觉得它是解决这一切问题的妙法了!Although he didn't usually care for that hoary aphorism, it now seemed to contain a miraculous solution to all his problems.

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如果女人太过主动地向男人献媚,男人不会拒绝你,但是不会与你白头到老。If woman too too active Xiang Nan's person is kittenish, the man won't reject you, but won't arrive with your hoary head old.

一天又一天、一个又一个星期、一个又一个的季度过去了,但是有那么三、四个老任务还在那里,缕着胡须嘲笑着你。Days, weeks, seasons may fly by and the same three or four hoary old tasks stare back at you, stroking their beards and cackling.

若是这样,所有包括古老传统和界限的障碍物应被清除。If this is the case, impediments must be cleared, including hoary traditions or time-honoured demarcations that structure society.