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这软饮料有种让人难忍受的余味。This soft drink has a nasty aftertaste.

静静的一个人,默默地去回味。A quiet man, silently go to the aftertaste.

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余味中长略带果酱味。Aftertaste is mid-length with black fruit jam.

冷风吹,雪花飞,往事不堪回味。The cold wind blowing, snowflakes fly past aftertaste.

这种感觉还是比较有味,且回味无穷。Such feeling is just meaningful, yet endless in aftertaste.

这款新的啤酒味道醇厚且余韵悠长。The new brand of beer had a nice taste and long aftertaste.

回味持久,圆润,令此酒颇为优雅迷人。A long, aromatic aftertaste rounds this wine out beautifully.

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现在我们将这独特的味道,呈现给喜爱咖啡的你。Now we present this unique Aftertaste to you, gluttons of coffee.

口感醇厚深邃,酒香浓郁,回味绵长而均衡。Taste mellow and deep, rich wine, lingering aftertaste and balance.

鱼油的其他副作用可能来自于其腥臭的气味和回味。Other side effects of fish oil may be fishy burps or a fishy aftertaste.

聊天记录用来回味你们刚完成的谈话。Chat record is used to aftertaste the conversation you have just finished.

酒体丰腴,丹宁结实,回味蕴含淡雅的矿物质与香料的清香,颇为隽永。Full-bodied, with firm tannins and a long aftertaste of mineral and spice.

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饱满、深沉。余味中带有橡木、辛香和香草的味道。Full flavoured, deep taste, with an aftertaste of wood, spices and vanilla.

中等至饱满酒体,口感干净且极干,回味清新自然。Medium to full bodied, clean, very dry with a deliciously fresh aftertaste.

酒体饱满,单宁圆润,回味中有莓果和香料的味道。Full bodied, with sweet and round tannins, and a berry and spice aftertaste.

具有香高、味纯、耐泡、回味幽长的特征。With incense high, fragrant, pure, anti-foam, features quiet long aftertaste.

当蛋糕在你的口中回味时,许多故事就在你的心底蔓延开来。When the cake aftertaste in your mouth, many stories in your heart and spread.

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翻盖机虽少,但是仍然留给我们经典的回味。Although renovates machine are few, but still left our classics the aftertaste.

具有桃子、柑橘、柠檬等热带水果香气,回味悠长而愉快。Its lemony acidity makes it fresh and crispy. Has a long and pleasant aftertaste.

在他们看来,慵懒随性的生活里透着老上海的余韵。In their view, life with the nature of lazy is the aftertaste of the Old Shanghai.