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礼貌的言辞是对别人的尊重。Polite verbalism is the respect to others.

想法瞬间可得,但表达出来却花费时间。The idea was immediate but the verbalism took hours.

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礼貌的言辞是对别人的尊重,更增添了自己的风度。Polite verbalism is the respect to others. Moreover, it adds your demeanor.

主要原因之一就是没有确立直接言词原则。One of the main reasons is that we didn't establish the Principle of Directness and Verbalism.

学界对于直接言词原则的确立基本都持肯定的态度。The literati almost all agree on establishing the Principle of Directness and Verbalism in China.

在我国,现有规定对直接言词原则的真正确立还差距很大。In China, the current stipulations still have some distance to the establishment of the Principle of Directness and Verbalism.

法官业务水平不高,难以驾驭以直接言词原则为指导的庭审。Third, the judges don't have enough professional skill to control the trial guided by the Principle of Directness and Verbalism.

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在英美法系也有与之极为相似的传闻证据规则,并且在许多方面体现出了更为严厉的要求。In the Common Law System countries, there is the Hearsay Rule, which is very similar to the Principle of Directness and Verbalism.

直接言词原则是大陆法系各国刑事审判中普遍确立的基本原则。The Principle of Directness and Verbalism is a fundamental principle that is universally established in the Civil Law System countries.

随着我国司法改革的不断深入,在庭审过程中越发强调直接原则和言辞原则。With the development of the legal reform in our country, we attach more importance to the directness principle and the verbalism principle in the trial.

民族主义时代商会的大多抉择,往往“义”与“利”纠缠不清,而诸多悖论性的言说和实践,注定无法避免。Guiyang Business Association always faced imbroglio of national right and business benefit. So, lots of verbalism and practice with paradox cannot avoid.