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洪金宝便是甄子丹真正的朋友。Sammo hung is donnie yen true friends.

本片的阵容包括甄子丹和金城武。Starring Donnie Yen and Takeshi Kaneshiro.

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音乐家谭盾和功夫明星甄子丹同样也是。So is musician Tan Dun and Kung Fu star Donnie Yan.

盛情难却,甄子丹微笑着伸出右手。Kindness with insistent, donnie yen smiled her right hand.

回来发现唐尼正在哭哭啼啼,原来他把第三题落了没抄。When I returned, Donnie was in tears. He'd missed the third problem.

唐尼给马克写了一些歌,替他挣来一份唱片合约。Donnie wrote some material for Mark and got him a recording contract.

他们已经做了工作,我认为每个人都在唐尼看来,最好的联赛之一。They've done a job that I think everyone looks at Donnie as one of the best in the league.

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道格一到南苏城的州警察局总部,立马就给唐尼•泰勒打去电话。As soon as he got to state police headquarters in South Sioux City, he phoned Donnie Taylor.

从武打明星到现在好莱坞的热门武术指导,甄子丹的成功众望所归。From action star to now Hollywood's top action choreographer, Donnie Yen has come a long way!

新总经理,唐尼?沃什,看起来敲定由迈克?德安东尼作为他们的新总教练。The new GM, Donnie Walsh, as they appeared to have landed Mike D'Antoni as their new head coach.

唐尼煞费苦心工工整整地在黑板上抄写题目,并且把第一行的答案填了出来。Donnie had copied the problems with painstaking neatness and filled in answers for the first row.

“很高兴我的电影杀破狼将要作为龙之王朝的主打而发行,”甄子丹如是说。"I'm delighted that my film SPL will be one of the lead titles for Dragon Dynasty, " said Donnie Yen.

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唐尼说这个考试的明确目标就是唤起像他一样的年轻人的反美情绪。Donnie said the test definitely does aim to arouse anti-American sentimentamong young people like him.

川普可能会在美国总统中创造一项纪录就是在宣誓就职前就发动一场战争。Donnie Drumpf may set the record as the first U. S. president to start a war before he's even sworn in.

这也是D8的一个规律一样,就像D8前阵子黑甄子丹一样,那可是天下地下从头到脚。This is a law of D8, like D8 a while back black Donnie Yen, but that the world underground from head to foot.

我的一切,而且我和我的经理人还有老板都就这个谈过了,仍然是球队的一部分。My whole thing, and I had a long discussion with Donnie about it , and also Larry , is the future of the team.

由这个像特朗普那种废物一样的小个儿棕色小丑来代表,菲律宾会越变越遭!The Philippine Nation is being ill represented by a little brown Clown who is much like Donnie Trump a mere Punk !

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没有,没有,当甄子丹开始工作的时候陈可辛导演已经结束工作了,所以他就可以回家了。No, No. Cause when Donnie start work and peter is Ok. And the work is finished, then I can go home, he can go home.

对此,出品人之一黄百鸣回答说,甄子丹给自己开出的价码已经是折后的友情价。In this regard, one produced WONG Pak-ming said that Donnie Yen himself out after the price is already a discount price of friendship.

甄子丹是这部电影最先确定的演员,周迅,也是我跟甄子丹一起讨论后定下来的演员,其他的演员也是一样。Yen is the best movie Make sure that the actress, Zhou Xun, I told Donnie Yen is also to discuss post-set actor, the other actor is the same.