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你从来没有道过谦。You never even apologized.

石原知事很快便就此道歉。The governor soon apologized.

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他没问没了向我道歉。He made perfuse apologized me.

他道歉以避免麻烦。He apologized to avert trouble.

他因为拿错了我的帽子而道歉。He apologized for taking my hat.

他们两个全都哭泣并作出了道歉。Both of them wept and apologized.

他清醒过来后表示道歉。He apologized when he sobered up.

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所以他向陈研道歉。So he apologized to Chen research.

她道歉总是一式三份。She always apologized in triplicate.

玛丽踮起脚转向我。I apologized for treading on her toe.

薇姿在博客社区上道歉。Vichy apologized to the blog community.

既然你已经道了歉,这件事就算了。It's all sewn up, since you apologized.

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她为错误地咒骂他而道歉。She apologized for accusing him falsely.

他对他们的鲁莽行为道了歉。He apologized for their reckless behavior.

艾伯怀特太太替她丈夫表示歉意。Mrs. Ablewhite apologized for her husband.

她打了个鼾来盖住她的大笑声,然后道了道歉。She orted to cover a laugh and apologized.

我向她道歉,因为我错怪她了。I apologized to her, for I had wronged her.

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向全班致歉后,我回到了座位。I apologized to the class and took my seat.

冒犯者醒酒后道了歉。The offender apologized when he sobered up.

我向她道歉了,因为我错怪了她。I apologized to her , for I had wronged her.