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血红根被用于肿胀的淋巴结。Bloodroot is used for swollen lymph.

淋巴结行为就像丙种球蛋白。Lymph acts just like gamma globulin.

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腋下出现淋巴结还是其他的?。Is alar occurrence lymph node other still?

淋巴结肿大很可能消除。Large lymph node swellings must be drained.

幼儿得了肠系膜淋巴结怎么医治呢?Did cheeper get mesentery lymph node how cure?

闭孔淋巴结可能是宫颈癌的前哨淋巴结。Obturator lymph node may be the sentinel node.

淋巴结老发炎会得淋巴癌吗?。Can lymph node old agnail get lymphatic cancer?

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毛细淋巴管,淋巴管,淋巴结。Lymphatic capillary, lymphatic vessel, lymph node.

而后她做了双乳切除术和淋巴腺切除术。She had a double mastectomy and lymph node removal.

淋巴由白细胞、蛋白质和脂肪组成。Lymph is made of white blood cells, proteins and fats.

一般无淋巴结及肝脾肿大。Do not have lymph node and liver splenomegaly commonly.

后腹腔膨大的淋巴结也被发现。Enlarged lymph nodes were noted in the retroperitoneum.

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周围淋巴窦内有网状细胞。There are reticular cells in the intercord lymph sinus.

局部淋巴结先是肿胀而最后发生溃疡。Regional lymph nodes become swollen and eventually ulcerate.

FNA标本来自淋巴结和结外部位。FNAs were obtained from both lymph node and extranodal sites.

此外尚有多处纵膈腔淋巴腺肿大。Multiple mediastinal lymph node enlargements were also found.

腹股沟淋巴结肿大的药物治疗控制方法?Of inguinal lymph node enlargement medication control method?

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1984年,参议员保罗·桑切斯被诊断出患了淋巴癌。In 1984, the senator Paul was diagnosed to suffer lymph cancer.

科学家从胎儿肝和淋巴腺获得组织。The scientists took tissues from fetal liver, and lymph glands.

这些细胞取代正常的骨髓和淋巴结细胞。These cells replace normal cells in the marrow and lymph nodes.