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我们的计划失败是因为没有目标。Our plans miscarry because they have no aim.

许多曾经小产的女人最终都生下了健康的宝宝。Many women who miscarry eventually have healthy babies.

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我们可以丢掉所有关于联盟安全的忧虑。But my apprehensions were really that I should miscarry.

如果你已经走到了现在,你就不太可能会流产了。If you’ve made it this far it’s likely you won’t miscarry.

穿过她的阴影的所有孕妇会失败。Any pregnant woman who paced through her shadow would miscarry.

普吕戎在拉弗尔斯监狱里制造的罪胎就这样流产了。Thus did the foetus of crime engendered by Brujon in La Force miscarry.

北京龙城医院人流专家分析,习惯性流产怎样分类?Beijing Dragon City Hospital stream of people experts analyze, how does routine miscarry classifies?

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但是结果证明,后者再次流产的可能性较小,并且婴儿安全出生的几率较大。But the latter group, it turns out, was less likely to miscarry again and more likely to have a live birth.

一些因素,比如吸烟和年龄大是女性流产可能的原因,但医生们通常并不能查明原因所在。Some factors like smoking and age can contribute to the likelihood a woman might miscarry but doctors usually can’t pinpoint a reason.

更进一步的是,一些研究暗示在正常子宫容受窗口期外着床的胚胎更可能流产。What's more, some studies have hinted that embryos implanting outside the normal window of uterine receptivity were more likely to miscarry.

巴西召来瑞士的特使在促使她双胎儿流产的一个怀孕的巴西的妇女上在苏黎世附近讨论一场所谓的光头党攻击。Brazil has called in the Swiss envoy to discuss an alleged skinhead attack near Zurich on a pregnant Brazilian woman that caused her to miscarry twins.

离开了校舍的基本条件,有关部门的政令难免在上有政策、下有对策中流产。Left the school building basic condition, Department concerned's government order has the policy on, under to have in unavoidably the countermeasure to miscarry.

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不久宗某便开始对我拳脚相向,我怀孕了,宗某要我流产,我不同意,他就打,最终造成了胎儿死亡。Soon Zong then starts to my fist foot opposite direction, I have been pregnant, Zong wants me to miscarry , I did not agree, he hits, has caused the fetal deaths finally.

事实上,黄石野牛大约有一半遭受了布鲁氏菌病——一种欧洲牛群带到美国的细菌疾病——可能引起牛流产。In fact, about half of Yellowstone's bison have been exposed to brucellosis, a bacterial disease that came to North America with European cattle that may cause cattle to miscarry.

“在早些时候,任何在胚泡期达到一定剂量的辐射,都是或成或败的事情”Higley说,这意味着胚泡要么恢复并继续发育要么就会流产。“Early on, any radiation dose at the blastocyst stage is an all-or-nothing event, ” says Higley, meaning the blastocyst is thought to either recover and continue growing or miscarry.

医生警告术后几天可能早产或流产,第22周西奥活着的可能性很小。‘Doctors warned that in the first few days after surgery there was a high risk that I could go into premature labour or miscarry. At 22 weeks, Theo’s chances of survival would have been tiny.

大学的任何市场化改革,如果不打破院系壁垒,实行人文与专业相结合的通才教育,都会流产。Any market-based reform of the university, if dose not break the barrier of the institute department, implement the generalist education that humanity and specialty combine together, will miscarry.