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所有众生,若心存二分法,则必然会持续的造业。All beings with dualistic mind are continually creating karma.

由于具双重性格,有时候他们可能会悲观厌世。Sometime they can be pessimistic which is caused by their dualistic nature.

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这样应用关系数据库的理论实现二元约束数据库。We can use relational database theory to implement Dualistic constraint database.

作为二元结构现象的龙虎崇拜不能割裂考查,也不可能出自图腾。The worship of dragon and tiger is a dualistic structure, and it cant be from totem.

以伊洛河流域为实例研究,构建了二元水循环模型。The dualistic water cycle model as a case study with Yiluo river basin is established.

各分公司的科学是假定,并确认二元鉴于普通常识。All branches of science thus presuppose and confirm the dualistic view of common sense.

这两种取向各执一端,属于中西对立、体用二元的思维模式。The two orientations insist on the two points and keep the thinking mode of the dualistic.

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柏拉图提出了以“理念”为中心的“二元”技术制作理论。Plato has a dualistic theory of technical making, in which "eidos" is in a central position.

闲置地本质上是二元土地制度的产物,也是投机因素作祟的结果。The dualistic land system and the speculative factors are the basic causes of the idle land.

神和女神的二元崇拜对他来说纯粹是迷惑头脑的幻想。The gods and goddesses of the dualistic worship were to him mere fantasies of the deluded mind.

城市化是刘易斯二元经济发展理论的基本政策含义。Urbanization carries the basic policy implication of W. A. Lewis' Dualistic Economic Crowth Theory.

“物权二元结构论”清楚地剖析了租赁权的法律关系。But the theory of dualistic framework of property explane the legal relation of the leasehold explicitly.

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城市化是刘易斯二元经济发展理论的基本政策含义。Urbanization carries the basic policy implication of W. A. Lewis' Dualistic Economic Crowth Theory. M. P.

在二元社会结构中,农民被人为地降为二等公民的不平等地位。In the dualistic society, the farmers who are demeaned as second-class citizens are in an unequal position.

这样宣泄与逃遁的女性幸存之路和阿特伍德的二元共存的思想是一脉相承的。Such survival way full of release and escape is actually the reflection of Atwood's dualistic co-existence.

使用获得性分析范式分析了政策管制和潜规则对林农收益获得性的影响。The study shows policy regulations are adverse to farmer's access and lead to dualistic interest structure.

拒斥二元对立、否认意义的确定性是解构主义思想的核心。Nullification of dualistic antithesis and denial of the determinacy of meaning are the core of deconstruction.

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当我们陷住在无法决定或二分性的头脑时,我们所处的情况刚好就像这样。But we are in precisely this sort of situation when we get stuck in the indecisive and dualistic aspect of the mind.

论文进一步追溯了对自然和女性实行双重统治的根源是父权制二元对立思维。It concludes that the root cause for Elisa's and nature's tragedy is the deep-seated patriarchal dualistic thinking.

因此,公共政策与个体理性行动者即是在宏观—微观这样一种结构二元性中互构的。Therefore, public policy and individual rational action are mutual structure in the macro-micro dualistic structure.