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四夸脱构成一加仑。Four quarts constitute a gallon.

三个班组成一个排。Three squads constitute a platoon.

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英式足球的球队由十一个球员组成。In soccer, eleven players constitute a team.

还有什么标准可以用来判别食品吗Other ideas of what might constitute a food?

他们只不过是其中的一小撮。They constitute but a handful of the number.

铁素体和碳组成低碳钢。Ferrite and carbon constitute the mild steel.

哪些模型构成了数据架构?Which models constitute the data architecture?

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良马的毛色不会差。A good horse cannot constitute a boffer colour.

这些是极坏的作风。These constitute an extremely bad style of work.

虽然大部分的内容会重写。NET, although this will constitute a major rewrite.

它们构成了图书馆的“卡片目录”。Together they constitute the library's "card catalog".

正是诸对象构成这种不变的形式。Objects are just what constitute this unalterable form.

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这些层构成了一个虚拟机的等级层次。These levels constitute a hierarchy of virtual machines.

上下两片叶一起组成了一根π键。And so both of these lobes together constitute a pi bond.

避免语言或行动上的性骚扰。Avoid word and actions that constitute sexual harrassment.

一念之差终身之悔。A slight error in thought may constitute a life-long regret.

实际上,戒德构成了行道的初阶。In fact, the precepts constitute the first step in the path.

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所有这些不同种类的信息组成了数据。All of these different classes of information constitute data.

公平与效率是一个矛盾的统一体。Fairness and efficiency constitute an entia of contradictions.

这是男高音和女低音的组合。Soprano, alto, tenor and bass constitute the four vocal parts.