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阿勒颇大清真寺里做礼拜的穆斯林祈祷者。Salah Muslim prayer, Aleppo Great Mosque.

视线正在向大马士革和阿勒波转移。Eyes are now turning on Damascus and Aleppo.

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阿勒颇广场上售卖的一种特别的斋月面包。Special Ramadan bread for sale, Aleppo Souq.

目的研究蓝布正的抗应激作用。Objective To study the anti-stimulation action of Aleppo Avens.

这是阿勒颇大学的学生连续两个晚上举行抗议。It was the second straight night that Aleppo students came out to protest.

阿勒颇正为恐怖分子被打败而高兴。Aleppo is very happy now that the terrorists have been defeated, so I gather.

傍晚时分,从阿勒颇喜来登大酒店的屋顶上上眺望阿勒颇城市全景。Overhead view of Aleppo city skyline at dusk from rooftop of Sheraton Aleppo Hotel.

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这里也有一个很小的叙利亚犹太人团体,主要在大马士革,阿勒颇和al-Kamishli。There is also a tiny Syrian Jewish community that is mainly in Damascus, Aleppo and al-Kamishli.

5个小时之后,火车驶进了阿勒颇,最后出租车把我们送到了酒店。Five hours late, the train rolled into Aleppo. We rolled into a cab, and, finally, into our hotel.

叙利亚几乎所有地区都有关于动乱的报道,包括第二大城市阿勒波。Disturbances were reported from nearly all parts of Syria, including in the second biggest city Aleppo.

1146年赞吉死后,其子努尔丁成为阿勒颇摄政王和赞吉王朝的领导人。After the death of Zengi in 1146, his son, Nur ad-Din, became the regent of Aleppo and the leader of the Zengids.

然而,在一次越境时,阿德汗的女儿对他说,她想要把自己的玩具捐给阿勒颇的孩子们。However, on one occasion of crossing the border, his daughter told him she wanted to donateher toys to the kids of Aleppo.

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与此同时,俄罗斯表示,愿意支持阿勒颇市的48小时停火,以便让救援物资进入那里。Meanwhile, Russia has indicated that it is ready to support a 48-hour cease-fire in Aleppo in order to allow aid deliveries.

据叙利亚国家通讯社称,最后一批载有阿勒颇东部居民的巴士于周四深夜离开了这座城市。The last buses carrying residents from eastern Aleppo left the city late Thursday night, according to the Syrian state news agency.

国家在互相指责,没人知道什么或谁该相信,这都是闹剧,西方应该吊死自己,对阿勒颇的摧毁应该羞愧。No one knows what or who to believe anymore. Its all a farce and the west should be hanging its head in shame at the the total destruction of Aleppo.

虽然从伊斯坦布尔到阿勒颇的托罗斯快车已经停运了,你可以渡过博斯普鲁斯海峡搭乘横贯亚洲快车到德黑兰。While the Toros Express service from Istanbul to Aleppo may be out of action, you can cross the Bosphorus to pick up the Trans-Asia Express to Tehran.

政府军队对阿勒颇南部进行了空袭。一名叙利亚男子抱着一个男孩的尸体坐在尘埃中。Syrian man reacts as he carries the body of a boy following reported air strikes by government forces in the Halak neighbourhood in northeastern Aleppo.

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萨洛特表示,他并没有想到他所拍摄的这一视频得到了这么大的关注,因为在阿勒坡战场上,屠杀孩子已是司空见惯。Sarout said he was surprised the video he filmed had met with such attention since the killing of children has become such a common feature of the war in Aleppo.

如今在希腊仍能找到一种加入了阿勒颇松的汁液来酿制的葡萄酒,这种葡萄酒被称为松香葡萄酒,源自一种历史久远的酿酒传统。In Greece today you can still find a wine that's infused with sap from Aleppo pine tree. This wine is called Retsina and came out of an ancient winemaking tradition.

每个星期天上午,大号起得颇为乐天的“公牛号”快车从伊斯坦布尔气派堂皇的海德尓派撒车站出发前往叙利亚北部的阿勒颇,行程为30个小时。Every Sunday morning the optimistically named Toros Express leaves Istanbul's magnificent Hydrapasa station for Aleppo in northern Syria, where it's due to arrive 30 hours later.