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他咆哮着表示他的不满。He howled his displeasure.

他满脸嗔色。He scowled his displeasure.

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他满脸怒容。He scowled his displeasure.

他的话暗示出他很不高兴。His words implied displeasure.

他不悦地撅起嘴唇。He pushed out his lips in displeasure.

他对那个建议皱了一下眉头表示不悦。He mugged displeasure at the suggestion.

她抑制我自己的不快,强颜欢笑。She swallowed her displeasure and smiled.

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他的话招致他父亲的不悦。His words secured his father's displeasure.

只因不随俗,整个世界都不悦鞭策着你。For nonconformity, the world whips you with its displeasure.

他不得体的话语使他父亲感到十分不快。His tactless words had incurred his father's deep displeasure.

她看到薇奥拉脸上露出既困惑又不高兴的神色。She saw displeasure with perplexity expressed in Viola's face.

他不高兴地望着摆在面前的饭菜。He looked with displeasure at the meal that was set before him.

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玻璃体新陈代谢慢,出血吸收不快。Vitreous body metabolism is slow, haemorrhage draws displeasure.

明永冰川的消融,会不会是卡瓦博格不悦的另一个征兆?Could Mingyong's retreat be another sign of Kawagebo's displeasure?

在面前的鸡腿吃不到,实在是件很怨念的事…It's displeasure that the goal just in front of me but I couldn't get it.

耶和华啊,求你不要在怒中责备我,也不要在烈怒中惩罚我。LORD, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.

耶和华啊,求你不要在怒中责备我,也不要在烈怒中惩罚我。O LORD, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure.

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这些动词共有的中心意思是。不高兴地皱起眉。The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to contract the brows in displeasure.

方贵请毛寿良喝酒,赵包子的表现让他不满。Fang Gui Mao Shouliang please drink, zhao steamed stuffed buns performance to his displeasure.

新闻称金正日以缩短一天的行程来表示他的不满和失望。The newspaper said Kim had shortened his itinerary by one day as an expression of displeasure.