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小心火烛。Beware of fire.

因此提防。Beware therefore.

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谨防恶犬!当心狗!Beware of the dog!

留心火烛。Beware of the fire.

当心扒手。Beware of pickpockets.

谨防恶犬。Beware of vicious dog.

注意小开支。Beware small expenses.

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提防她的刻毒的妙语。Beware her waspish wit.

提防他们暗中搞鬼。Beware of their tricks.

当心眼珠子!Beware of eye pupil son!

谨防“虚假之友”。Beware of "false friends."

谨防空洞的承诺。Beware of hollow promises.

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要提防身材矮小的摄影师。Beware of short cameramen.

第二,提防极端。Second, beware of extremes.

小心溜滑的危险性。Beware of s! ipping hazards.

可是,当心呀,别选择错了!But beware an erring choice!

但投资者应当小心。But investors should beware.

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要当心你的情感。Beware of your ownaffections.

当心工作场所的“匕首”!Beware the workplace whinger!

提防弦外之音啊,我的孩子!Beware the Jabberwock, my son!