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恐怖的屠杀将毒品大战从墨西哥引向美国。Grisly slayings brings Mexican drug war to US.

枪战和恐怖的谋杀主导媒体的报道。Shootouts and grisly murders dominate media reports.

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在空寂寒冷的天空下,房屋显得模糊而恐怖。Houses were dark and grisly under the blank, cold sky.

把他那道可怕的菜吃完,他才杀掉那头牛。He didn't slaughter the cow until he had finished his grisly feast.

不过我们的鲁滨逊先生把胡子刮了是绝对必要的!Although, it does help when Grisly Adams finally shaves off his beard!

她们的外貌是恐怖的女武士,手持为死亡点化的长矛。They appear as grisly warrior women armed with spears enchanted to kill.

一段可怕的内战时期和自相残杀的时期似乎接踵而至。A grisly period of internecine war and cannibalism seems to have followed.

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兹亚达很少回避什么,即便是那些她生命里面最可怕的私人细节问题。Ziada shies away from little, including the grisly intimate details of her life.

虽然这个工作恐怖特性,志愿者依然热情高涨,西林先生说。Despite the grisly nature of the task, volunteers have been enthusiastic, Mr. Shilling says.

我们在银幕上观看可怕的死亡已经超过一个世纪了,在舞台上也超过了一千年。We have been watching grisly death on screen for over a century, and for millennia on stage.

上显示出尸体被吃掉一半的恐怖残骸时,女孩子们尖叫起来。The girls screamed when the grisly remains of the half-eaten corpses on the screen were shown.

长桌边的人都放下了被杯子勺子转而对这番恐怖景象目瞪口呆。All along the benches men put down their cups and spoons to turn and gape at the grisly spectacle.

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据说,警方顺着脚趾滴下的血液找到了那名女子,并在她家里逮捕了她。Allegedly, the toe gushed blood, and she was caught when people followed the grisly trail to her home.

这部电影于是溃解成血淋淋的恐怖片,一个接一个的防御者被以可怕的方式杀害。The film then disintegrates into a slasher film as one by one the protectors are killed in grisly fashion.

这一夜他恶梦频仍,还醒了一次,觉得奇寒彻骨,自以为是出了一身冷汗。He passed a night of grisly dreams, waking once, chilled to the heart with what he took to be a cold sweat.

不过这澡可有点恐怖——搁浅的鱼,有时还有晒干的鳄鱼都是泥浴的骇人伴侣。It's a gruesome bath though – suffocating fish and the occasional sun dried caiman are grisly bath buddies.

NPC杀戮者有时会三两成群地旅行并喜欢给团队起一个恐怖的名号。NPC slayers sometimes travel in bands of two or three and enjoy identifying their group with a grisly name.

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现在我们看到,在藏匿了两个月以后,穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲可怕的死亡也引起了类似的反应。Now we see a similar reaction with the grisly demise of Muammar Qaddafi after a couple of months of hiding.

我那去了世界上很多个国家的舅舅讲了一个人吃人肉的可怕故事。My uncle who had traveled to many counties in the world told a grisly story about people who ate human flesh.

我那遍游世界各地的舅舅说了一个吃人肉的可怕故事。My uncle who had travelled to many countries in the world told a grisly story about people who ate human flesh.