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掌握好人生的四则运算。Mastering the arithmetic of life.

掌握图块的创建与使用。Mastering the create and use of the block.

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我会享受掌握英语的每一分钟。Iwill enjoy every minute of mastering English.

因此,你应该花一点时间掌握这个句型。So you should spend time mastering this pattern.

他们掌握语言,只是为了重新创造它。They are mastering language only to reinvent it.

让我们来学习马来语,掌握马来文吧!Let's start learning and mastering Malay as well.

熟练掌握第二门语言需要大量学习。Mastering a second language requires a lot of work.

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我仍然建议去掌握自我控制的艺术。I still recommend mastering the art of self-control.

掌握自我推销的艺术需要多加练习。Mastering the art of selling yourself takes practice.

你集中精力学习和掌握各方面的知识。You focus your mind on studying and mastering all aspects.

你就能一步一步地说一口流利的英语了。And you will be mastering the English language step by step.

不掌握公式,光是强记是没有用的。It's no use mugging up those formulas without mastering them.

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掌握好英语对于学习电脑知识很重要。Mastering English well is very important to computer learning.

不过,你也可能尝试了很多新事物后却一事无成。However, you may try many new things but end up mastering none.

在熟悉这款游戏后,你就可以进入在线比赛了。After mastering the game, you can move on to the online matches.

对我而言,背诵对掌握一门外语很重要。As for me reciting is essential to mastering a foreign language.

那马想跑掉,但是鲍尔成功地驯服了它。The horse tried to run away, but Paul succeeded in mastering it.

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有四支球队杂耍需要掌握三个俱乐部变戏法。Juggling with four clubs requires mastering the three-club juggle.

我对掌握一些短语或者简单的问候语不感兴趣。I am not interested in mastering a few phrases or simple greetings.

掌握膀胱结石的诊断和治疗原则。Mastering principles of diagnosis and treatment of vesical calculi.